Prostate Cancer Nomograms


Our prostate cancer nomograms are prediction tools designed to help patients and their physicians understand the nature of their prostate cancer, assess risk based on specific characteristics of a patient and his disease, and predict the likely outcomes of treatment.more...

All results from these tools should be discussed with a physician and understood in the context of each patient’s program of care. Nomogram results are based on data from studies conducted at a high-volume academic medical center by surgical investigators with high-volume practices. Our pre-radical prostatectomy and post-radical prostatectomy nomograms use dynamic statistical formulas* that draw on data from more than 10,000 prostate cancer patients treated at MSK. Results between nomograms are not directly comparable and therefore should not be evaluated in relation to one another. Specifically, nomograms should not be used to compare different types of treatment by looking at their respective outcomes.

*with the exception of calculations for survival probability

Men at risk for prostate cancer: What is your risk?

Pre-Radical Prostatectomy

Our pre-radical prostatectomy nomogram is for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer who have not yet begun treatment. This nomogram predicts the extent of the cancer and long-term results following radical prostatectomy (surgery to remove the prostate gland and surrounding lymph nodes). Using dynamic statistical formulas, this nomogram draws on data from more than 10,000 prostate cancer patients treated at MSK.

Researchers can access the coefficients and model properties by clicking here.

Post-Radical Prostatectomy

Our post-radical prostatectomy nomogram can be used by patients after their surgical treatment for prostate cancer. This nomogram predicts the probability of remaining cancer recurrence-free at two, five, seven, and ten years following surgery. Using dynamic statistical formulas, this nomogram draws on data from more than 10,000 prostate cancer patients treated at MSK.

Researchers can access the coefficients and model properties by clicking here.

Salvage Radiation Therapy

Our salvage radiation therapy nomogram predicts whether a recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy can be treated successfully with salvage radiation therapy (external-beam radiation given after the prostate cancer returns). It calculates the probability that the cancer will be controlled and PSA level undetectable six years after salvage therapy. You can use this nomogram for applicable results if your post-radical prostatectomy serum PSA level was at first undetectable (less than 0.05 ng/mL) and then rose steadily, indicating a recurrence.

Risk of Dying of Prostate Cancer in Men With a Rising PSA After Radical Prostatectomy

This nomogram can be used by patients to estimate the risk of dying of prostate cancer if their cancer recurs, signaled by a rising PSA, after radical prostatectomy. The nomogram predicts the likelihood, in a man initially treated with surgery, that he will die of prostate cancer five, ten, and 15 years from the time his PSA begins to rise.

Risk of High-Grade Cancer on Prostate Biopsy

This tool is designed to calculate the likelihood of having high-grade prostate cancer in men who have been considered eligible for prostate biopsy by a urologist. If you have not been examined by a urologist, the results produced by this calculator will be a considerable overestimation of your risk for prostate cancer (that is, it will give a risk that is too high). This tool is not applicable for men who have already been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Additional Tools

Male Life Expectancy

Our Male Life Expectancy tool can be used by patients before treatment for prostate cancer. Patients answer some questions about their prostate cancer and their health in general. They are given the chance that, 15 years from now, they will die of untreated prostate cancer, die of some other cause, or be alive. These numbers can be used when discussing treatment options with cancer doctors.

Volume, Dimension & Density

This tool calculates prostate tumor volume.

PSA Doubling Time

This tool can be used to calculate the rate of rise of PSA, expressed as the velocity in nanograms/mL/year, or the PSA doubling time, in months or years.