Common Names
- Seasilver
For Patients & Caregivers
Tell your healthcare providers about any dietary supplements you’re taking, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and natural or home remedies. This will help them manage your care and keep you safe.
What is it?
Seasilver does not prevent or cure cancer.
Promoters of seasilver claim that the product is effective against cancer and other diseases. There is no scientific evidence, in the form of laboratory studies, animal studies, or clinical trials to support such claims.
In 2003 the Federal Trade Commission accused marketers of promoting Seasilver with false and fraudulent claims at which point the Food and Drug Administration seized nearly $5.3 million worth of the product. Seasilver USA has since agreed to comply with strict FDA and FTC guidelines regarding the marketing of its product.
What are the potential uses and benefits?
- To detoxify the body
Evidence is lacking to support this claim. - To prevent and treat cancer
Evidence is lacking to support this claim.
What else do I need to know?
Patient Warnings:
- The FDA ruled that aloe is not safe as a stimulant laxative.
For Healthcare Professionals
Brand Name
Clinical Summary
SeasilverTM is a dietary supplement that contains aloe vera, a combination of seaweed, pau d’arco, and cranberry concentrate. It has been promoted as a natural immune enhancer. While the exact properties of this product are unclear, certain ingredients may not be appropriate for cancer patients. Aloe vera contains anthraquinones which may irritate the GI system, leading to stomach upset and diarrhea. Certain seaweed products contain carrageenan and algin, substances that can impair absorption of oral medications when taken at high doses. Seaweed products can also contain contaminants, which pose a risk for immunocompromised patients. Pau d’arco is derived from bark that has potential anticoagulant effects due to its coumarin content. It is typically prepared in 20% ethyl alcohol, but the final alcohol concentration of this product is not listed (1). Cranberry is acidic, and while the pH of this product is unknown, high concentrations may cause stomach irritation (3). No studies have shown the efficacy of this product, which is distributed through a multitiered marketing scheme.
In June 2003, the FDA seized nearly $5.3 million worth of product from Seasilver USA’s San Diego headquarters (3). Since then Seasilver has agreed to comply with strict FDA and FTC guidelines regarding marketing of its product (4).
Purported Uses and Benefits
- Cancer
- Detoxification
- The FDA ruled that aloe is not safe as a stimulant laxative.