The Kushal Dey Lab: Open Positions

The Kushal Dey Lab: Open Positions

The Kushal Dey Lab
Graduate and Undergraduate Students
The Dey Lab welcomes graduate and undergraduate students interested in developing statistical and machine learning models in the interface of disease g...
The Kushal Dey Lab
MSK AI & Machine Learning Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunity
The Dey Lab in Computational & Systems Biology program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is seeking postdoctoral fellow in machine learning...
The Kushal Dey Lab
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Dey Lab in Computational & Systems Biology program at Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer Center is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to lead inter-dis...
The Kushal Dey Lab
Postdoctoral Researcher
The Kushal Dey Lab is seeking a highly motivated and successful individual with a background in statistical genetics and genomics. The candidate will w...