Hereditary Breast Cancer Program

Hereditary (genetic) breast cancer is a type of breast cancer. It’s caused by genetic changes that are passed down through generations in a family. These changes (mutations or variants) raise the risk of getting breast cancer.

The Hereditary Breast Cancer Program is for people with breast cancer linked to an inherited gene mutation. We’re experts in treating genetic breast cancer.
Breast surgeon Dr. Minna Lee is with breast oncologist Dr. Mark Robson
Dr. Minna Lee, breast surgeon, and Dr. Mark Robson, Chief of MSK’s Breast Medicine Service


MSK understands the cancer care needs of people who have hereditary breast cancer. Our experts choose treatments based on types of breast cancer caused by genetic mutations.

Hereditary breast cancer is also called genetic breast cancer, and inherited breast cancer.

This cancer happens because of a genetic predisposition (PREE-dih-spuh-ZIH-shun). It raises your risk for cancer because of the genes you were born with. 

These genes have a genetic change (mutation or variant) passed down from parents to children. 

The mutations that drive genetic breast cancer are passed down from either your mother or father. This same genetic change can be in your blood relatives (aunts and uncles, siblings, and children).  

Most hereditary breast cancers are related to mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Mutations in other genes also can cause hereditary breast cancer. 

Hereditary gene mutations affect how well a cell can repair damage. Cancer can start if cells cannot fix the damage. 


MSK is a national leader in cancer from inherited mutations. Our MSK RISE: High Risk Breast Cancer Screening Program is for people at higher risk for hereditary breast cancer. We’re also researching new treatments for genetic breast cancers. 

What causes hereditary breast cancer?

Most breast and ovarian cancers are not caused by inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. But genetic changes can raise the risk for breast, ovarian, and other cancers, like pancreas cancer. 

Members of your family over a few generations may have had breast, ovarian, or male breast cancer. Genetic counseling and testing may be right for you and your family.

Genetic testing can show if you or your family has a gene mutation. Genetic counselors can recommend steps to take to lower risk. For example, you may want to get cancer screenings more often. You can check for early signs of breast cancer with screening mammograms.  

Program details

What is the Hereditary Breast Cancer Program?

This program is just for people who have breast cancer related to an inherited gene mutation. We’re experts in treating this condition. 

People with hereditary breast cancers often have many questions. We made this program to help you and your loved ones find the latest treatment options. If you’re facing this diagnosis, you’re not alone.

It’s important to choose a care team that’s very experienced in managing this type of cancer. Our doctors understand the needs of people with this disease. 

Our treatment program has experts in many areas. This includes medical oncology (cancer doctors), breast surgery, breast reconstruction, pathology, and radiation oncology.

Our team will work with you on a care plan that uses the latest treatments. Our genetic counselors can talk to you about genetic predisposition caused by gene mutations.

Hereditary breast cancer can start at a young age. MSK’s Young Women with Breast Cancer program is just for people under age 45, and offers cancer care and support.  


MSK Healthy Living for People with Breast Cancer is for people in treatment after they had surgery. Talk with your MSK care team to see if this program is right for you. They can give you more information and schedule an appointment. 

What is genetic testing for hereditary breast cancer?

Genetic testing is a medical test. It looks at your DNA to see if you were born with changes (mutations or variants) in genes. These changes raise your chances of getting breast and sometimes other cancers. 

We’ll ask for your written permission to do the test. Before testing, we’ll review your personal and family cancer history to help decide which test is right for you. We’ll explain the test and what the results could mean.  

The test involves taking a sample of blood or saliva. You can give a blood sample at an MSK location near you. Or, we’ll mail a saliva kit to your home. The sample is sent to a lab for testing. 

When the results come back, often in a few weeks, we’ll go over them with you. If the test shows a gene change that raises your cancer risk, we’ll help you understand what that means. We’ll talk about ways to lower your risk, such as extra screenings or even surgery to prevent cancer. 

How does MSK treat hereditary breast cancer?

When you learn you have hereditary breast cancer, you may feel confused about treatment.

Genetic breast cancers often do not act like other breast cancers. Breast cancer that’s not inherited may need a different treatment than the treatment that’s best for you.

MSK will choose treatment based on the type of genetic breast cancer you have. Through research, MSK has learned how to target the cellular pathways affected by mutations. Treatment is always based on the latest research.

MSK made this program to help you and your loved ones find the best treatment options for inherited breast cancer. Our team of genetic breast cancer experts will listen to your care goals and concerns. We’ll suggest support services for both your physical and emotional needs. At MSK, we take care of all of you. 

Meet the directors

Mark Robson, MD   
Chief, Breast Medicine Service  
Breast Medical Oncologist 

Minna Lee, MD   
Breast Surgeon 

The fact that we’re able to offer these specialized treatments illustrates the importance of doing genetic testing. Genetic testing is the best way for us to get a complete picture of what's going on in the tumor.
Mark E. Robson, breast medical oncologist and clinical geneticist
Breast cancer care close to home

You can visit MSK breast cancer experts closer to home, not just in New York City.

We offer treatment at our locations in New Jersey, Westchester, and on Long Island. You can get the same outstanding care near you:


Genetic testing can tell you if you or a loved one are at risk for a hereditary cancer. This information is important for choosing the right treatment. The counselors at MSK’s genetic testing can talk with you about ways to lower your risk. It may help to get cancer screenings early, and more often.

Common Questions

Common questions about hereditary breast cancer
Is there a chance I can get other kinds of cancer because of my gene mutation?

Genetic tests for inherited breast cancer can show a mutation that also raises your chances for getting ovarian cancer. This is called Hereditary Breast and Ovary Cancer syndrome (HBOC). Family members also can carry the mutation. 

If you’re at higher risk for ovarian cancer, our experts in gynecologic oncology can help. A gynecologic (GY-neh-kuh-LAH-jik) oncologist is a cancer doctor with special training in the gynecologic system.  

Our doctors can talk with you about the warning signs of ovarian cancer. We can also recommend options to lower your risk for the disease. 

How is MSK researching hereditary cancer?

MSK is a major research institution. During your treatment, your care team may ask if you want to join a clinical trial.

These research studies test new treatments, procedures, or devices to see how well they work. Almost every cancer treatment was first tested during a clinical trial.

You can search our clinical trials for breast cancer to see if one is right for you.

Your genetic test results can help our research. We can use information from the tests to better understand the types of mutations that cause genetic breast cancer. 

Can I get help with the side effects of breast cancer treatment?

Pain management is an important part of cancer care. MSK was the first cancer center in the country to have a service just for treating pain in people with cancer.

Our pain experts will help relieve or manage pain after surgery. They can help while you’re still in the hospital, and after you’re home.

MSK has experts who manage the symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment, such as nausea during chemotherapy.

MSK has a program for treating lymphedema, a type of swelling after breast cancer treatment. 

Does MSK offer counseling and other support services?

You and your loved ones face emotional and social challenges after a cancer diagnosis.  

We offer counseling and support to help you manage anxiety, depression, anger, or loneliness.  There are individual and group counseling sessions, both in person and through telemedicine visits. Counseling is open to you and your family, separately or together. 

We also run support groups and programs if you want to talk with other people going through a similar experience. It’s a safe space to connect with other people who share this experience. 

Does MSK offer integrative medicine services?

Cancer therapies can cause side effects. You may want support to cope with chronic pain, fatigue (feeling very tired), nerve problems, nausea, insomnia, and stress. 

Our Integrative Medicine Service (also called complementary therapies) offers acupuncture, meditation, massage therapy, yoga, and exercise.  

Without using prescription drugs, integrative therapies can help improve and control these side effects. 

You care team will meet with you and your family at an MSK location or through telemedicine visits. You can ask about multivitamins, herbs, and dietary supplements.