Gerstner Sloan Kettering Dean Michael Overholtzer
Join Us
As members of the next generation of scientists, students at the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSK) learn from world-renowned faculty in a hands-on, small-class programs at one of the top cancer hospitals and research centers in the world.
Our students explore cancer science through a wide lens of basic, clinical, and translational research, ultimately choosing to join one of the more than 130 laboratories at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) on New York City’s Upper East Side.
First-year students in our Cancer Biology program enroll in a comprehensive curriculum that includes molecular, cellular, and developmental biology; stem cell and tissue biology; immunology; and the biology of cancer and other diseases. Students in our Cancer Engineering program enroll in a comprehensive curriculum that includes courses in nanotechnology and molecular engineering, genetic engineering, imaging, immunology, and cancer biology. Students in these two programs develop important career-building skills, such as the ability to generate and test hypotheses, think quantitatively, and critically analyze research from different disciplines. They also rotate through two or three MSK labs before choosing to join one. The immersive experience is an important step in determining the research discipline they might ultimately choose as their focus.
At GSK we are committed to fostering a graduate school culture of diversity and inclusion that allows our students to thrive as biomedical research scientists. One-on-one guidance from research faculty offers students crucial mentorship as they develop into the next generation of leaders in science. We also offer a unique clinical apprenticeship opportunity that allows students to gain perspective on how benchwork can be applied to patient care.
At the forefront of discovery, and at the nexus of basic and clinical research, GSK is where you belong as a future scientist. Join us.
Michael Overholtzer, PhD
Professor and Dean