Computational & Systems Biology Program

The Kushal Dey Lab


Kushal Dey
Kushal Dey, PhD

The Kushal Dey Lab builds statistical and machine learning models that integrate genetic and genomic data to prioritize variants, genes, and cell types, and to decode the causal functional architecture underlying heritable complex diseases — including immune-related diseases, like Alzheimer’s and inflammatory bowel disease, and heritable cancers, like breast cancer.

Nominating candidate risk genes and gene sets underlying disease-critical processes is of utmost importance for developing drug targets and informing CRISPR screening. The Kushal Dey Lab focuses on developing machine learning models and computational pipelines that integrate genomic and epigenomic data from RNA-seq, ChiP-seq, Perturb-seq and spatial transcriptomic experiments with genetic association studies (GWAS, WES) to enhance our understanding of the functional architecture of all heritable complex diseases, including immune-related diseases like Alzheimers’, IBD, Lupus and  several heritable cancers like Breast and Prostate cancers.

Some of the research directions of interest include developing:

  • Models to prioritize variants, genes and cell states for disease using a combination of genetic, genomic and perturbation data.
  • Models to identify the causal directed graphs underlying gene and gene interaction models for disease.
  • Benchmarking pipelines informed by disease genetics to validate and compare different genomic prediction models.

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Lab members on a group outing

Publications Highlights

Mitra S, Malik R, Wong W, Rahman A, Hartemink AJ, Pritykin Y, Dey KK,# and Leslie CS.# 2024. Single-cell multi-ome regression models identify functional and disease-associated enhancers and enable chromatin potential analysis. Nat Genet.56(4), pp.627-636. [Co-Senior Author] PMID: 38514783; PMCID: PMC11018525.

Fabiha T, Evergreen I, Kundu S, Pampari A, Abramov S, Boytsov A, … Price AL, # and Dey KK. # 2024. A consensus variant-to-function score to functionally prioritize variants for disease. bioRxiv, pp. 2024-11. In review, Nat Genet

Dorans ER, Jagadeesh K, Dey KK,# and Price AL.#  2024. Linking regulatory variants to target genes by integrating single-cell multiome methods and genomic distance. medRxiv, pp. 2024-05.  Re-submitted, Nat Genet., PMID: 38826240; PMCID:  PMC11142273

Jagadeesh KA,* Dey KK,* Montoro DT, Mohan R, Gazal S, Engreitz JM, Xavier RJ, Price AL, and Regev A. 2022. Identifying disease-critical cell types and cellular processes across the human body by integration of single-cell profiles and human genetics.  Nat Genet., 54, pp. 1479-1492. PMID: 36175791; PMCID: PMC9910198.

Delorey TM,* …  Dey KK,* et al.  2021. COVID-19 tissue atlases reveal SARS-CoV-2 pathology and cellular targets. Nature595(7865), pp.107-113.  PMID: 33915569; PMCID: PMC8919505.

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Kushal Dey

Kushal Dey, PhD

  • The Kushal Dey lab focuses on developing machine learning models and computational pipelines that integrate genomic and epigenomic data.
  • PhD, University of Chicago
Email Address


Thahmina Ali
Thahmina Ali

WGS Student

Xuewei Cao


Elizabeth Dorans


Tabassum Fabiha

Research Technician

Ru Feng


Karthik Guruvayurappan
Karthik Guruvayurappan

WGS Student

Hanbyul Lee


Louis Liu

WGS Student

Margo Morse
Margo Morse

SKI Administrative Assistant

Haochen Sun
Haochen Sun

Research Technician

Sarthak Tiwari
Sarthak Tiwari

WGS Student

Berk Turhan
Berk Turhan

WGS Student

Harry Zhang
Harry Zhang

WGS Student

Lab Alumni
Deenan He

Per-Diem Research Technician

Lab Affiliations


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Lab News & Events

Upcoming event

Characterizing Germline Cancer Mechanisms at Scale: Risk, Tumor Evolution, and Treatment Outcomes

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
Room M-107
New York, NY 10065

Open Positions

To learn more about available postdoctoral opportunities, please visit our Career Center

To learn more about compensation and benefits for postdoctoral researchers at MSK, please visit Resources for Postdocs

Post-doctoral Fellow position in Statistical Genetics

The Kushal Dey lab in the Computational and Systems Biology program at the Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, has 1 postdoctoral fellow position available in statistical genetics and machine learning models.

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Post-doctoral researcher in computational virology

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Kushal Dey discloses the following relationships and financial interests:

No disclosures meeting criteria for time period

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