Lab News

Lab News




  • 10 year anniversary of the Bao lab.
  • Hayao Ohno receives the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Postdoctoral Fellowship.


2018.12.11  Lab holiday dinner.  2018 was … Year of Babies and Awards!

2018.11.30  Farewell to Li Fan.  Best of luck with a new phase of career at Weill Cornell!

2018.11.19  The lab moves into our new space on the 7th floor of RRL.  Our DiSPIM and iSIM are finally re-united with the lab.

2018.10.15  Chloe Lopez-Lee (NeuroScience) starts her rotation.

2018.10.02  The lab receives an NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award to trace the cell lineage of zebrafish embryogenesis.

2018.9.15  Learning goes deep – our paper on how to use Deep Reinforced Learning to interpret cell movement patterns is published in Bioinformatics.

2018.09.07  Pavak Shah receives a K99/R00 from NICHD.

2018.08.13  Anthony Santella speaks at the 12th NIH Comparative Medicine Resource Directors Meeting on behalf of the WormGUIDES project.

2018.08.13  Gangwook Kim (GSK) joins the lab as a graduate student.

2018.08.01  Chris Brittin joins the lab as a postdoc.

2018.08.01  Lab picnic on Roosevelt Island.  Farewell to our summer students: Yige “Gloria” Huang (Georgia Tech), Son T. Nguyen (UConn), Deborah Ofosu (Lehman College), and Hrishi Mohan (Brooklyn Technical High School).

2018.07.20  Baby Anna is born.  Congratulations to Hayao!

2018.06.25  Anthony Santella speaks at CeNeuro 2018.  Kris Barnes (NeuroScience) and Mike Galiano (GSK) present their posters.

2018.06.04  Pavak Shah receives the Anne Heidenthal Prize for Fluorescence Research at the 11th International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Diseases for his work on ShootingStar.

2018.05.18  Second Advisory Board Meeting for WormGUIDES.

2018.05.13  Arohi is born.  Congratulations to Pavak!

2018.04.15  Hongjiao “Pearl” Liu, our summer undergraduate in 2017, joins the Biostatistics PhD program at University of Washington.  Eric Wang, our summer high school student in 2017, is admitted to Stanford University (Computer Science).  Congratulations!

2018.04.04  Braden Katzman’s work as an undergrad programmer is published in BMC Bioinformatics.

2018.01.24  Rachna Sheth, Instructor at the Pediatrics Department of Memorial Hospital, joins the lab as a volunteer.


2017.12.18  Baby Ivy is born.  Congratulations to Yichi!

2017.12.15  Lab holiday dinner to celebrate 10 years of the Bao lab.  2017 was … Year of New Blood!

2017.12.11  Braden Katzman joins the lab as an Image Analysis Technician, after a two year stint as an undergraduate programmer.

2017.11.20  Pavak Shah’s work on real-time cell tracking and manipulation (ShootingStar) is published in Dev Cell.

2017.10.20  Apple picking and fall foliage hike for the lab.  Kris was not able to convince us to do rock climbing.

2017.10.17  WormGUIDES team retreat at Yale.

2017.09.04  Yunsheng Cheng joins the lab as a postdoc.

2017.08.01  Mike Galiano (GSK) joins the lab as a graduate student.

2017.07.07  Hayao Ohno joins the lab as a postdoc.  He is a recipient of the Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowship.

2017.07.07  Eric Wang (Farragut High School) joins the lab as a summer student.

2017.06.27  Gangwook Kim (GSK) starts his rotation.

2017.06.24  International Worm Meeting at UCLA.  Anthony Santella wins prize in the Worm Art Show for his nested dolls of pioneers in worm lineage tracing.

2017.06.21  International Worm Meeting at UCLA.  WormGUIDES presents exhibition booth for user interactions and feedback.  Anthony Santella speaks at the Teaching Workshop for educational outreach.

2017.06.21  International Worm Meeting at UCLA.  Anthony Santella and Kris Barnes (NeuroScience) present Plenary talks, and Pavak Shah in the NeuroDevelopment Session.

2017.06.01  Summer starts for our undergrad researchers!  Hongjiao “Pearl” Liu (Johns Hopkins), Ciara McMullen (NYU), Samuel Schachter (Columbia), and Alexandra Yule (Columbia).

2017.05.26  Mike Galiano (GSK) starts his rotation.

2017.04.24  Pavak Shah’s work on novel function of SAX-3/Robo  in convergent extension is published in Dev Cell.

2017.04.02  Carolina Zapater i Morales (BCMB) starts her rotation.