Stem Cell Research

The SKI Stem Cell Research Core stocks, characterizes, and distributes human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) lines. We perform a variety of hPSC-related applications for the stem cell community at SKI and beyond. We are a part of the Starr Foundation-funded Tri-Institutional Stem Cell Initiative that provides shared stem cell expertise and resources among Memorial Sloan Kettering, Weill-Cornell, and Rockefeller University.
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- Ph.D. Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 212-639-3913
- Office Phone

Director, Stem Cell Research Facility

Senior Research Scientist

Research Assistant
Research Technician
Research Technician

Administrative Assistant

- Princeton University


Research Technician, Sr.

Research Technician, Sr.
Research Technician

Associate Laboratory Member - SKI Stem Cell Research Facility Manager

Lab Tech

Senior Research Technician
Research Technician

Lab Tech

Research Technician

Research Associate

Lab Tech

Lab Tech

GMP Specialist

Cell Culture, Midbrain Dopamine Neuron Specialist

Cell culture, Midbrain Dopamine Neuron Specialist

Flow Cytometry and Cell Culture
Open Positions
To learn more about available postdoctoral opportunities, please visit our Career Center
Job Opportunities
Get in Touch
Director Email
Office Phone