531 News Items found
Side-by-side images of brain MRIs.
New Imaging Technique Provides Snapshot of Brain Tumor Activity
A new imaging approach could shorten the time needed to determine whether a brain tumor treatment is working.
NK cells attacking
Meet the Unsung Immune Cell that Could Change Immunotherapy
A lesser-known immune cell is suddenly getting more attention in the field of cancer immunology.
In the Lab
MSK computational biologist Dana Pe'er
One by One: Single-Cell Analysis Helps Map the Cancer Landscape
Sloan Kettering Institute investigators are taking important steps toward being able to identify all the cell types in tumors. With this information, they can figure out how the cells work together.
Leukemia cells
Findings from Two Patients Shed New Light on Drug Resistance in AML
A team at MSK has discovered a previously unknown type of resistance to a new leukemia drug.
A doctor examines a mole.
Don't Scratch That Mole? Scientists Are Learning More about Inflammation and Cancer
It's not only what's inside your cells that determines your cancer risk. It's what surrounds them too.
Five scientists in a lab
Out of the Closet, into the Lab: Five LGBTQ Scientists Share Their Stories
What's it like being LGBTQ in the world of science? We asked some MSK scientists to find out.
Omar Abdel-Wahab
What Is Epigenetics, and Why Is Everyone Talking about It?
The word “epigenetic” literally means “above the genes.” Calico cats demonstrate a type of epigenetic inheritance called X-inactivation.
Large cells filled with yellow-colored fat
Cancer Cells Eat Fat to Grow and Spread
Research conducted in zebrafish shows that melanoma cells have an affinity for fat, and that eating it makes them more aggressive.
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of T lymphocyte cells (blue) attached to a red cancer cell.
Discovery of Unusual Cell Type Could Help Guide Immunotherapy
A newly identified group of immunosuppressive cells could provide insight into the effects of immunotherapy drugs.
In the Lab
An illustration showing the process of CAR T cell therapy
Study Identifies New Way to Combat a Serious CAR T Cell Therapy Side Effect
By uncovering the root cause of cytokine release syndrome, MSK researchers have found a way to stop it.