531 News Items found
In the Lab
Sloan Kettering Institute Director Joan Massagué with laboratory member Karuna Ganesh
When Cancer Spreads: Research Focuses on Better Ways to Treat Metastasis
MSK investigators are learning how cancer cells escape from the original tumor and hide out in the body. Their goal is to prevent metastatic tumors from forming.
In the Lab
A microscopic view of genetically engineered mouse tumor and a human FL-HCC tumor
With Help of CRISPR, Scientists Unravel the Cause of a Rare Liver Cancer
A team led by MSK molecular biologist Scott Lowe is making progress against fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma.
Science Byte
Prostate cancer cells, colored red in scanning electron micrograph (SEM).
PSMA: A New Target for Prostate Cancer Treatment
Researchers have discovered how a high level of the protein PSMA in cells helps fuel prostate cancer.
Former MSK president Paul Marks
The Man behind the Prize: How Paul Marks Shaped Modern Cancer Research
Recent advances in epigenetic and targeted therapies owe a lot to the foresight of former MSK President Paul Marks, who believed in the importance of basic research.
Gad Getz, Chuan He, and Aviv Regev
Young Investigators Named Winners of 2017 Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research
Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) has named three investigators as recipients of this year’s Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research. The award recognizes promising investigators aged 45 or younger at the time of nomination for their efforts in advancing cancer research.
Science Byte
Cancer biologist and pediatric oncologist Alex Kentsis
Blocking Enzymes That Signal DNA Damage Could Be a Treatment Strategy for Childhood Cancers
A new strategy for treating pediatric cancers involves preventing cells from repairing their own DNA.
Cancer Immunologist Andrea Schietinger of Sloan Kettering Institute Honored with Prestigious NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
Cancer immunologist Andrea Schietinger, PhD, of the Sloan Kettering Institute (SKI) at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) has been honored with the prestigious National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award. Dr. Schietinger was selected as a winner for her groundbreaking work in immune responses to cancer, molecular mechanisms underlying tumor-induced T cell dysfunction, and new approaches for cancer immunotherapy. A total of 55 New Innovator Awards were given out by the NIH this year.
Pediatric oncologist Kevin Curran with CAR T patient Esmeralda Pineda
FDA Approves First CAR T Cell Therapy for Leukemia
Children, teens, and young adults with leukemia that have stopped responding to chemotherapy are the first eligible to receive the new treatment.
A network of neurons
Is Neurodegenerative Disease a Kind of Cancer?
New findings from experiments done in mice suggest a surprising cause of common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
In the Lab
An organoid of a developing brain
Stem Cell Research Identifies Potential Drugs for Treating Zika Infection
Researchers from MSK and Weill Cornell have found that two compounds appear to fight off infection with the Zika virus.