531 News Items found
Pictured: Jedd Wolchok & Alexander Rudensky
Memorial Sloan Kettering Shares Historic Gift to Fund Immunotherapy Research
Immunologist Alexander Rudensky and medical oncologist and immunologist Jedd Wolchok are investigating innovative ways to use the immune system to fight cancer.
In the Lab
Pictured: Stem cell-derived nerve cells exposed to progerin
Researchers Fast-Forward Stem Cell Aging to Study Degenerative Diseases
A team of Memorial Sloan Kettering scientists has come up with an approach to make stem-cell-derived neurons rapidly age in a cell culture dish. The breakthrough could transform research into Parkinson’s and other late-onset diseases.
In Memoriam
Cancer research pioneer Janet Rowley
Memorial Sloan Kettering Mourns the Death of Cancer Research Pioneer Janet Rowley
Memorial Sloan Kettering President and CEO Craig Thompson reflects on the life and career of cancer research pioneer Janet Rowley.
Pictured: Alexander Rudensky
At Work: Immunologist Alexander Rudensky
Alexander Rudensky’s research focuses on the role of a subset of white blood cells called regulatory T cells, which are believed to suppress the immune system’s ability to fight tumors.
In the Lab
Pictured: Charles L. Sawyers, William Polkinghorn & Simon Powell
Molecular Studies Explain Effectiveness of Longtime Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Laboratory studies have revealed an explanation for why androgen-deprivation therapy makes radiation therapy more effective in the treatment of high-risk prostate cancer.
In the News
New Biotech Startup Will Pit the Immune System Against Cancer
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s partnership in a pioneering effort to speed the development of cancer immunotherapies drew national headlines.
Pictured: Michael Foley
Michael Foley Named Director of Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute
A renowned chemist with 25 years of industry and academic experience, Michael Foley will lead a pioneering collaboration designed to speed the development of new drugs for people with cancer and other diseases.
Pictured: Joan Massagué
Cancer Biologist Joan Massagué Named Director of the Sloan Kettering Institute
Internationally recognized cancer biologist Joan Massagué has been named Director of the Sloan Kettering Institute. He was previously Chair of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering.
Pictured: Stephen Long & Alexandria Miller
At Work: Structural Biologist Stephen Long
Stephen Long works to understand how proteins work by determining what they look like in three dimensions.
Pictured: Craig Thompson
Watch Webcast of “Major Trends” Seminar — Annual Event for High School Students
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual seminar exposes high school students and their teachers to cutting-edge scientific research.