531 News Items found
In the Lab
Pictured: ESK1 Monoclonal Antibody
New Molecule Targets Proteins Inside Cancer Cells
Scientists from Memorial Sloan Kettering have collaborated on the discovery of a unique monoclonal antibody, called ESK1, that appears to be effective at targeting and destroying several types of cancer cells.
In the Lab
Pictured: Neurons
Researchers Identify Key Element of Nerve Cell Development
Researchers have clarified the process by which developing nerve cells are directed to specialize into distinct parts.
In the Lab
Pictured: X-ray Image
New Findings Clarify How Kidney Cancer Spreads to Distant Organs
Scientists have identified genes and biological mechanisms that one day could be targeted with drugs to stop kidney cancer from spreading to the bone, brain, or other organs.
In the Lab
Pictured: Michel Sadelain
New Technique Could Make Cell-Based Immune Therapies for Cancer Safer and More Effective
Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers have reported a new method that could allow the development of more-specific, cell-based therapies for cancer.
Pictured: Ming Li
Study Suggests New Ways of Manipulating Immune System to Treat Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
Recent findings by Memorial Sloan Kettering immunologists might one day pave the way for new strategies to control a range of diseases, including autoimmune disorders and cancer.
Pictured: Michel Sadelain & Jedd Wolchok
Memorial Sloan Kettering Researchers Appointed to Stand Up To Cancer Immunology “Dream Team”
Physician-scientists Michel Sadelain and Jedd Wolchok have been appointed to a new research team dedicated to investigating ways to harness the immune system to fight cancer.
Pictured: Lorenz Studer
Developmental Biologist Lorenz Studer Comments on the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Methods to generate stem cells have given scientists new ways to study some diseases and identify potential drugs, and could one day be used to rebuild diseased or damaged tissues in patients.
Pictured: 2012 Rock Stars of Science
Geoffrey Beene Rock Stars of Science™ Campaign Features Memorial Sloan Kettering Researchers
The initiative, focused on investigators from Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center, highlights the critical need for funding scientific research.
Pictured: Scott Lowe
At Work: Biologist Scott Lowe, Chair of the Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center
In the lab of cancer biologist Scott Lowe, researchers are investigating the processes that naturally inhibit cancer development.
In the Lab
Pictured: PET Scan
New Imaging Agent Could Improve Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering are developing a new strategy for PET imaging of tumors that could result in new tools to detect and monitor prostate cancer.