531 News Items found
Pictured: Joan Massagué
Cancer Biologist Joan Massagué Honored on Two Continents
Joan Massagué, Chair of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Program in the Sloan Kettering Institute, has been named the recipient of two prestigious awards.
David A. Scheinberg
David Scheinberg Elected to the Association of American Physicians
David A. Scheinberg has been elected a member of the prestigious Association of American Physicians (AAP).
Recipients of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Young Investigators Fund, pictured with Mr. Gerstner. (From left) Iestyn Whitehouse, Hans-Guido Wendel, Mr. Gerstner, Stephen Long, and Timothy Chan.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Names First Gerstner Fund Recipients
Memorial Sloan Kettering has announced the creation of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Young Investigators Fund and has named the fund's first four recipients.
Michelle Bradbury
Toward the Next Generation of Medical Imaging
Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers will explore "C dots" for tumor detection and treatment.
Eric G. Pamer
Investigators Discover Technique to Restore and Enhance Intestinal Immune Defense
Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers have found a way to restore innate immune defense in the intestines and enhance resistance to a potentially harmful antibiotic-resistant bacterium.
Kathryn Anderson
Kathryn Anderson Elected to the Institute of Medicine
Kathryn V. Anderson has been elected a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
Alan Houghton with Pathologist Kay Park, Chair of the Junior Faculty Council
Alan Houghton Receives Mentorship Award
Memorial Sloan Kettering's Junior Faculty Council presented its 2008 Award for Excellence in Mentoring to Alan N. Houghton, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs in the Department of Medicine and incumbent of the Virginia and Daniel K. Ludwig Clinical Chair.
Michael Glickman
An Interview with Michael Glickman
Physician-scientist Michael S. Glickman specializes in the treatment and study of infectious diseases.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Team Develops Tool to Advance Stem Cell Research
Investigators at Memorial Sloan Kettering have developed a new tool that could help them advance the understanding of human embryonic stem cells.
Thomas Kelly Named to Advisory Committee at National Institutes of Health
Sloan Kettering Institute Director Thomas J. Kelly has been named a member of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) at the National Institutes of Health.