Figure 5: Representation of Functional classes of genes enriched in Founder Cells. -- Eleven new transcription factors and chromatin regulators that show muscle phenotypes were identified. Additional cell functions were also suggested as critical for muscle identity.
Figure 7: Myonuclear positioning in control and ensconsinswoosh mutants. -- High magnification view of muscles (green) and their nuclei (red) at listed stages. While the initial morphogenetic events are normal in a swoosh mutant, the nuclei do not spread and position normally. While the embryos hatch into larvae, these larvae do not move normally.
Figure 8: Time-lapse sequence of myonuclear movement in Drosophila LT muscles from Control and ensconsinswoosh mutants. -- These stills are from a timelapse of a whole mount embryo, showing the movement of myonuclei in the 4 Lateral Transverse muscles in one hemisegment over 6h of development. The nuclei start as a cluster, split into two groups that move towards the muscle end. These nuclei spread to fill the muscle cell prior to hatching. In ensconsinswoosh mutants, the nuclei fail to break into two groups.