2010 Shaps Scholars


Four summer students are named Rubin and Sarah Shaps Scholars each summer. Students are selected on the basis of their outstanding undergraduate credentials and their performance in our summer program.

Jeannie Camarillo, a junior majoring in physiology at the University of Arizona. She was mentored by Luca Cartegni, in the Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program.

Emily Grzybowski, a junor double-majoring in molecular genetics and fine arts at the University of Rochester. She was mentored by Zhirong Bao, in the Developmental Biology Program.

Nathaniel Kim, a junior majoring in chemistry at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He was mentored by Jason Lewis, in the Department of Radiology.

Daniel Triner, a junior majoring in biology at Walsh University. He was mentored by Cole Haynes, in the Cell Biology Program.