Departments & Divisions


Our academic departments and divisions comprise physicians, nurses, researchers, and an array of other professionals possessing an unparalleled depth and breadth of clinical expertise. They excel in delivering compassionate care to our patients and providing superior training to the next generation, while advancing standards of care for people with cancer throughout the world. Learn more about the expertise of our departments and divisions as well as the programs we offer trainees.

Ross L. Levine is a physician-scientist focused on researching and treating cancers of the blood and bone marrow.
Our Division of Hematologic Malignancies is a leader in bone marrow transplant. Learn about our faculty, clinical research, and training opportunities.
MSK physicist Eric Aliotta, PhD, with a patient.
Our physicists, engineers, and staff advance the science and technology of radiation therapy and imaging, and ensure their effective clinical use for cancer patients.
Jae Park, MD, of the Division of Hematologic Malignancies, with Department of Medicine fellows.
Department of Medicine physicians provide medical treatments for cancer as well as comprehensive care to treat side effects and other medical conditions.
Lauren Schaff, MD Neuro-Oncologist and Neurologist
Our Department of Neurology provides uniquely comprehensive care to adult and pediatric cancer patients. Learn about our approach, faculty, and training.
Neurosurgeon Viviane Tabar
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Department of Neurosurgery provides surgical care for adult and pediatric patients with primary and metastatic tumors of the central nervous system, as well as for MSK patients who have benign degenerative spine problems. Learn more about how we diagnose and treat these tumors.
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Department of Nursing is an innovator in cancer care, research, mentorship, and training. Our model of Relationship-Based Care is designed to provide the best experience for patients and their families, our colleagues throughout MSK, and fellow nursing staff.
Kojo S.J. Elenitoba-Johnson, MD
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center consists of disease-specific pathologists, molecular diagnosticians, clinical laboratory testing experts, educators, and researchers with expertise and focus in cancers affecting both adult and pediatric patients.
Emily Slotkin
The Department of Pediatrics at Memorial Sloan Kettering treats children, teenagers, and young adults with cancer and blood disorders. Learn more about the care our team provides and the research we are doing.
Beryl McCormick
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Department of Radiation Oncology is dedicated to providing superior patient care to our patients while leading in innovation.
Kristen Belen, MD reviewing imaging
Our Department of Radiology is a leader in cancer imaging. Learn more about our faculty, clinical research, and training opportunities.
Luis Diaz Jr., MD with a patient
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Division of Solid Tumor Oncology is made up of medical oncologists who specialize in treating solid tumors with approaches such as chemotherapy and other drugs.
James A. Fagin, MD
Division of Subspecialty Medicine focuses on preventing the complications of cancer treatment as well as treating and monitoring preexisting conditions in patients.
A Leader in Surgical Oncology
The Department of Surgery is dedicated to providing innovative cancer care to our patients in our sophisticated facilities, among the most advanced in the world.
The Division of Supportive and Acute Care Services' nocturnist faculty.
The Division of Supportive and Acute Care Services within MSK’s Department of Medicine includes more than 100 specialists who are dedicated to supporting patients with cancer by easing the burdens and stress of each individual’s cancer treatment journey.