A Phase 3 Study of Avutometinib Plus Defactinib Versus Standard Treatment for People With Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer


Full Title

A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label Study of Combination Therapy with Avutometinib plus Defactinib Versus Investigator’s Choice of Treatment in Patients with Recurrent Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (LGSOC) (WCG IRB)


In this study, researchers are comparing a combination of two new drugs with standard treatment for ovarian cancer. The two drugs are avutometinib and defactinib. The people in this study have low-grade serous ovarian cancer that came back after treatment.

Avutometinib and defactinib work by blocking proteins involved in cancer growth called kinases. They are taken orally (by mouth).

If you join this study, you will be randomly assigned to receive one of these treatments:

  • Avutometinib and defactinib
  • A standard treatment chosen by your doctor, such as chemotherapy or hormonal therapy

Who Can Join

To join this study, there are a few conditions. You must:

  • Have low-grade serous ovarian cancer that came back after treatment.
  • Have completed prior anti-cancer medications at least 4 weeks before getting the study treatment.
  • Be well enough to walk and take care of yourself. You must be able to do activities such as office work or light housework.
  • Be age 18 or older.


For more information or to see if you can join this study, please call Dr. Rachel Grisham’s office at 646-888-4653.




Phase III (phase 3)



ClinicalTrials.gov ID
