A Phase 1/2 Study of BBI-825 in People With Advanced Solid Tumors


Full Title

An Open-Label, Multicenter, First-in-Human, Dose-Escalation and Dose-Expansion, Phase 1/2 Study of BBI-825 and BBI-825 in Combination with Select Targeted Therapies in Subjects with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors with Resistance Gene Amplifications


Researchers want to find the best dose of BBI-825 to treat cancer. The people in this study have solid tumors that keep growing after treatment and cannot be taken out with surgery.

BBI-825 blocks a protein called RNR. Cancer cells, particularly those with multiple copies of a gene (called amplification), need RNR to grow. So blocking RNR might stop or slow the growth of cancer. BBI-825 is taken orally (by mouth).

Who Can Join

To join this study, there are a few conditions. You must:

  • Have a solid tumor that came back or keeps growing even after treatment and cannot be taken out with surgery.
  • Have cancer with a gene amplification or colorectal cancer with a BRAF V600E or KRAS G12C mutation and will receive targeted therapy.
  • Have recovered from the serious side effects of prior anti-cancer treatments before taking BBI-825.
  • Be well enough to walk and take care of yourself. You must be able to do activities such as office work or light housework.
  • Be 18 or older.


For more information and to see if you can join this study, please call Dr. Rona Yaeger’s office at 646-888-5109.




Phase I/II (phases 1 and 2 combined)



ClinicalTrials.gov ID
