Search by keywords: Browse by name: - Any -#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by name: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z About Herbs Expert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more. Newsletter sign up Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs About Mind-Body Therapies About Herbs App Learn about this resource and read our herbal policy. 160 Herbs found Alfalfa Alfalfa is a food crop, and its leaves and seeds are thought to have diuretic properties, to be… Purported Uses: Diabetes Cholesterol Diuretic GI disorders Asthma, allergies Thyroid Lactation Menstrual disorders Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Usnic acid LipoKinetix, UCP-1 Usnic acid is a compound found in lichens. Supplements that contain usnic acid are promoted for… Purported Uses: Weight loss Antibacterial Antiviral Fever Pain Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Licorice Licorice is used as a flavoring agent, and to improve effectiveness and reduce toxicity of other… Purported Uses: GI disordersPeptic ulcersHepatitisBronchitisInflammation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Alpha-Lipoic Acid Alpha lipoic acid, naturally produced by the body, acts as a cofactor in the production of energy… Purported Uses: Diabetes Liver disease Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Butcher's Broom Butcher's broom is a shrub whose extracts are widely used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and… Purported Uses: Circulatory disorders Constipation Hemorrhoids Inflammation Leg cramps Lymphedema Promote urination Varicose veins Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Ayurveda Ayurvedic treatment is patient-tailored and consists of oral formulations containing herbal,… Purported Uses: Arthritis Cancer-related symptoms Diabetes High cholesterol Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Maca Maca is a nutritionally valuable plant native to Peru. It is used traditionally to enhance… Purported Uses: Stamina Infertility Libido Menopause Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Pine Bark Extract Pycnogenol®, Oligopin® Pine bark extracts contain procyanidins, which have antioxidant properties. They are used to… Purported Uses: InflammationCardiovascular diseaseErectile dysfunction Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions 5-HTP 5-HTP is marketed as a dietary supplement for sleep, to improve mood and well-being, and to… Purported Uses: Anxiety Depression Fibromyalgia Hot Flashes Insomnia Migraines Obesity Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions St. John's Wort St. John’s wort is a perennial herb used as an antidepressant, and to treat anxiety, sleep and… Purported Uses: Depression Anxiety Fatigue Insomnia Menopausal symptoms Seasonal affective disorder ADHD Wounds Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Book traversal links for Integrative Medicine Previous About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products Next Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs