Search by keywords: Browse by name: - Any -#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by name: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z About Herbs Expert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more. Newsletter sign up Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs About Mind-Body Therapies About Herbs App Learn about this resource and read our herbal policy. 17 Herbs found Reishi Mushroom Reishi mushroom is used in Asian traditional medicine to boost the immune system and to promote… Purported Uses: Immunostimulation Strength and stamina High cholesterol Lower urinary tract symptoms Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions MGN-3 Biobran®, Lentin Plus 1000 MGN-3 is a proprietary product derived from rice bran treated with extracts from 3 mushrooms:… Purported Uses: Cancer Chemotherapy side effects HIV, AIDS Immunostimulation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Chaga Mushroom Chaga mushroom is used as a folk remedy in Russia and other northern European countries to treat… Purported Uses: Inflammation Hepatoprotection Immunostimulation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Germanium Vitamin "O", Pro-oxygen, Oxy-G2 Germanium is a naturally occurring mineral. Whereas trace amounts can be found in some foods, it is… Purported Uses: Arthritis Cancer Maintain health HIV, AIDS Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Maitake Maitake is an edible mushroom also used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes and hypertension… Purported Uses: DiabetesHigh cholesterolHypertensionImmunostimulation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions L-Theanine L-theanine is a water soluble amino acid found in green tea and mushrooms. Purified L-theanine is… Purported Uses: SleepAnxietyStroke Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Phellinus linteus P. linteus is a medicinal mushroom used in traditional medicine in Asia. Compounds in this mushroom… Purported Uses: Cancer Inflammation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Book traversal links for Integrative Medicine Previous About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products Next Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs