Search by keywords: Browse by name: - Any -#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by name: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z About Herbs Expert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more. Newsletter sign up Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs About Mind-Body Therapies About Herbs App Learn about this resource and read our herbal policy. 7 Herbs found Reishi Mushroom Reishi mushroom is used in Asian traditional medicine to boost the immune system and to promote… Purported Uses: Immunostimulation Strength and stamina High cholesterol Lower urinary tract symptoms Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Ligustrum lucidum Ligustrum lucidum is a medicinal herb used to treat diminished eyesight, dizziness, fever, and… Purported Uses: Cancer Immunostimulation Dizziness Fever Insomnia Poor vision Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Tian Xian Tian Xian is an extract of Chinese medicinal herbs used for cancer treatment in traditional… Purported Uses: Cancer treatment Immunomodulation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions PC-SPES PC SPES® (BotanicLab); Prostate-Res™ (ARC Nutrition) PC-SPES is an herbal supplement that has been studied to treat prostate cancer. Purported Uses: Prostate cancer Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Chitosan The main ingredient in chitosan (KY-to-san) is chitin, an extract from the shells of sea creatures… Purported Uses: High cholesterol Weight loss Wound healing Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Phellinus linteus P. linteus is a medicinal mushroom used in traditional medicine in Asia. Compounds in this mushroom… Purported Uses: Cancer Inflammation Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Epimedium Epimedium is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fatigue, arthritic pain, nerve… Purported Uses: Fatigue Osteoporosis Sexual dysfunction Mechanism of Action Potential Interactions Book traversal links for Integrative Medicine Previous About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products Next Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: FAQs