I joined the Memorial Sloan Kettering nursing team in 1997 as a clinical nurse on the 12th floor of Memorial Hospital. As a clinical nurse specialist since 2005, I identify patient care issues and provide education and training to maintain the highest quality of nursing care at our hospital. I am responsible for ensuring positive patient outcomes through the delivery of evidence-based nursing care.
As part of a collaboration between nursing leadership and infection control, I play a role in updating standards of care related to the maintenance of central venous access devices. By developing and implementing training sessions for Memorial Sloan Kettering nursing staff to standardize care for these devices, we are helping to reduce the risk for infection among patients with these devices in place.
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I participated in the development of the Memorial Sloan Kettering program on the overview of hematologic malignancies and nursing management. I present at this program biannually. It is an honor and privilege to work with a nursing team that tirelessly pursues improved outcomes for people with hematologic cancer and their families.