Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Family Registry

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Family Registry


Memorial Sloan Kettering has established a registry for families who are affected with various types of hereditary colorectal cancer. The registry allows our researchers to learn more about the genetic causes of colorectal cancer. It’s also helping them to develop new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancers of the colon and rectum.

If you enroll in the registry, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your family history of cancer. You may also have blood and tissue samples collected as part of another study. Information from these tests can be correlated with data from the questionnaire to learn more about hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes. You may be contacted periodically over the next several years so that researchers can follow up on your health status.

By participating in our Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Family Registry, you can learn more about your risk of colorectal and other cancers. The registry can also make it easer for us to monitor you if you are at risk for developing cancer.

If you have already been diagnosed with a hereditary colorectal cancer, the registry can keep you informed about new research that may affect your medical care. Our researchers are working on many projects to learn more about these syndromes, and several other studies may be open to patients enrolled in the registry.

For more information about the Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Family Registry, please email us at [email protected]

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