Cancer Straight Talk Podcast

Cancer Straight Talk Podcast from MSK
Cancer Straight Talk is a 2024 Gracie Award Winner for Best Educational Podcast and the prestigious Grand Award.

Cancer Straight Talk from Memorial Sloan Kettering is a podcast about cancer that brings together patients and experts, to have straightforward evidence-based conversations. Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Dr. Diane Reidy-Lagunes hosts this cancer podcast with a mission to educate and empower cancer patients and their family members.

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If you have questions, feedback, or topic ideas for upcoming episodes, please e-mail us at: [email protected]

 What’s the Hash on the Little Green Plant and Cancer?
What’s the Hash on the Little Green Plant and Cancer?
What makes a good pain remedy– chemically, mentally, legally? Is it better as an edible, oil or vapor? How does one even begin to figure out dosing?
“My Children Were My Motivation”: One Mother’s Fight to Stay Alive
“My Children Were My Motivation”: One Mother’s Fight to Stay Alive (Spanish)
On Christmas Eve 2004, Belkis Chalas learned she had stage 4 cancer of the small intestine and months to live. As a mother of two, she couldn’t help but ask, “Why me?” Then she found Memorial Sloan Kettering.
The Day I Couldn't Sing: Rock Star Andrew McMahon on Surviving the Identity Crisis of Cancer
The Day I Couldn't Sing: Rock Star Andrew McMahon on Surviving the Identity Crisis of Cancer
Andrew and his wife, Kelly, talk about their struggle to save not just Andrew’s life but also their marriage and personal identities.
A Man's Guide to Sex and Cancer
A Man’s Guide to Sex and Cancer
Learn about the impacts of cancer and its treatment on men’s sexual health, and get advice for regaining sexual function.
How Does Cycling Fight Cancer? Dave Linn & Ethan Zohn on the Power of Cycle for Survival
How Does Cycling Fight Cancer? Dave Linn & Ethan Zohn on the Power of Cycle for Survival
Every year, tens of thousands of people across the country hop on stationary bikes to raise money for rare cancer research. How did this phenomenon start? And who is that money helping?
Gratitude, Grief and Why You Don't Have to Choose
Gratitude, Grief and Why You Don't Have to Choose
How does one find gratitude while living with cancer? Can gratitude and grief exist at the same time? Hear past guests of the podcast share what they’re grateful for, and learn some tools for managing your grief.
The Future of Cancer Drugs: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Sawyers
The Future of Cancer Drugs: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Sawyers
In this episode, Dr. Diane Reidy-Lagunes talks with Dr. Sawyers about what’s next in the field of cancer pharmaceuticals. Is another silver bullet on the horizon?
Lessons from a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor: A Conversation with Mary Elizabeth Williams
Lessons from a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor: A Conversation with Mary Elizabeth Williams
Stage-four melanoma survivor Mary Elizabeth Williams discusses survivors guilt, being part of a phase-one clinical trial, and how communication affects health outcomes.
Podcast | 21:38
Lung Cancer: Why One of The Most Common Cancers is Also The Most Stigmatized
Lung Cancer: Why One of The Most Common Cancers is Also The Most Stigmatized
Lung cancer is more deadly than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined, yet it gets less than half the funding. Why is that?
Podcast | 20:55
When Life Takes a Turn: When Young Adults Get Cancer
When Life Takes a Turn: When Young Adults Get Cancer
Hear firsthand about the effects of a cancer diagnosis on a young person’s identity, career, relationships and more.