Yong Hannah Wen, MD, PhD

Hannah Yong Wen, MD, PhD


Mi rol en MSK

Áreas de experiencia

Conditions I Treat

  • Cánceres y enfermedades de mama
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Sobre mí

Qué hago en MSK
  • Directora de Becas en Patología Mamaria

Como patóloga certificada por la junta, especialista en patología mamaria, realizo exámenes microscópicos de biopsias mamarias y muestras quirúrgicas. Asimismo, hago diagnósticos que ayudan a orientar en las decisiones de tratamiento para nuestros pacientes. Me enorgullece formar parte del equipo multidisciplinario que brinda atención integral y coordinada a pacientes con cáncer de mama.

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Me interesan los mecanismos moleculares y genéticos del desarrollo, la progresión y la respuesta a los tratamientos del cáncer de mama. Mi investigación actual se centra en el carcinoma de mama triple negativo, que es un subgrupo de cáncer de mama que no expresa receptores de estrógeno y progesterona, ni el receptor 2 de factor de crecimiento epidérmico humano (HER2). También trabajo estrechamente con mis colegas de las áreas de cirugía, oncología médica y oncología de radioterapia en una serie de estudios clínicos sobre el cáncer de mama.

Mi rol en MSK

Un patólogo es un médico que utiliza un microscopio para hacer un diagnóstico a partir de muestras de células y tejidos. Analiza las muestras para conocer la causa y los efectos de una enfermedad.

Áreas de experiencia

Conditions I Treat

  • Cánceres y enfermedades de mama
Educación y honores


  • MD, Beijing Medical University (China)
  • PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center


  • NYU Medical Center

Becas de investigación

  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Certificaciones de la Junta

  • Patología anatómica
  • Patología clínica

Información sobre el seguro

Comprender sus opciones de seguro es una parte importante de organizar la atención contra el cáncer. Tenemos acuerdos con varios planes y proveedores de cuidados de la salud.


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
HMO, EPO PPO, POS, Transplant

Aetna Medicare Advantage (solo para jubilados de la ciudad de Nueva York, a partir del 1/7/23)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Blue Cross Blue Shield Nueva York

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Blue Cross Health Plus

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Programa de empleados federales Blue Cross Blue Shield

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Estados de Blue Cross Blue Shield fuera de NY/NJ

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Carrum Health

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Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Emblem Essential

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Emblem Medicare Advantage

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Empire Essential

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Empire Plan / NYSHIP (plan compartido Blue Cross/UnitedHealthcare)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Fidelis Managed Medicaid & HARP

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Fidelis Medicare Advantage

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First Health

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Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Healthfirst Managed Medicaid

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Healthfirst Medicare Advantage

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Nueva Jersey (HMO)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Nueva Jersey (PPO)

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Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey Omnia Tier I (EPO)

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Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey Omnia Tier II (EPO)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Horizon Medicare Advantage

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Husky CT Medicaid

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
State Government


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Medicaid directo de NJ

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
State Government

Medicaid directo de NY

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
State Government

Medicare Parte A y Parte B (Medicare tradicional)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
Federal Government

Multiplan/Beech Street/PHCS

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Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Planes no participantes con prestaciones fuera de la red

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NYC Medicare Advantage Plus para empleados municipales

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

Programa de Salud World Trade Center (WTC)

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red
State Government


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red


Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

United Healthcare

Tipo de cobertura dentro de la red

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Si tiene preguntas sobre el seguro, llámenos al 646-497-9176.

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Pacientes actuales
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Contacto y ubicación

Dr. Wen atiende pacientes en one ubicación.

Teléfono del consultorio
New York, NY

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Los médicos del Memorial Sloan Kettering trabajan en equipo, con especialistas de todas las áreas. Esto nos permite considerar todas sus necesidades en conjunto y brindarle la mejor atención posible.

Ver todos los médicos de Patología mamaria

Ensayos clínicos

Médicos sonrientes en el laboratorio
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Los médicos y científicos de Memorial Sloan Kettering desarrollan constantemente nuevos tratamientos para el cáncer. Normalmente, MSK está realizando cientos de ensayos clínicos en todo momento.

Es posible que pueda participar en un ensayo clínico incluso si se ha comenzado a tratar recientemente en MSK. Busque en nuestro directorio en línea para encontrar información sobre ensayos clínicos y obtener más información sobre quiénes pueden participar.

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Investigaciones y publicaciones

Wen Y and Liu B. The role of platelet activating factor in reproduction. Progress of Anatomical Sciences (China).  1996; 2: 204-211

Wen Y and Liu B.  Transforming growth factor a and its receptor in reproduction process. Medical Sciences (China). 1997; 16: 27-30

Wen Y and Liu B.  The expression of transforming growth factor a in the mouse embryos and preimplantation uterus.  J. Beijing Medical. University.  1997; 29:12-14

Leer más

Yan DH, Wen Y, Spohn B, Choubey D, Gutterman J U, and Hung MC Reduced growth rate and transformation phenotype of the prostate cancer cells by an interferon-inducible protein, p202.  Oncogene 1999; 18: 807-811

Wen Y, Yan DH, Spohn B, Deng J, Lin SY, and Hung MC.  Tumor suppression and sensitization to tumor necrosis factor a-induced apoptosis by an interferon inducible protein, p202, in breast cancer cells.  Cancer Res. 2000; 60:42-46

Lin SY, Xia W, Wang J, Kwong KY, Sphon B, Wen Y, Pestell R, and Hung MC.  b-catenin, a novel prognostic marker for breast cancer: its roles in cyclin D1 expression and cancer progression.  Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2000; 97: 4262-4266

Wen Y, Hu M, Makino K, Spohn, B, Bartholomeusz G, Yan DH, and Hung MC.  HER-2/neu promotes androgen-independent progression of prostate cancer cells through the Akt pathway.  Cancer Res. 2000; 60:6841-6845

Lin SY, Makino K, Xia W, Matin A, Wen Y, Kwong KY, Bourguignon L, and Hung MC.  Nuclear localization of EGF receptor and its potential new role as a transcriptional factor.  Nature Cell Biology 2001; 3:802-808

Wen Y, Yan DH, Spohn B, Xie K, Wang B, Shao R, Ding Y, and Hung MC.  p202, an interferon-inducible protein, mediates anti-tumor activity in human pancreatic cancer cells.  Cancer Res. 2001; 61:7142-7147

Zou Y, Peng H, Zhou B, Wen Y, Wang SC, Tsai EM, and Hung MC.   Systemic tumor suppression by the proapoptotic gene bik. Cancer Res. 2002; 62: 8-12

Lee WP, Wen Y, Varnum B, and Hung MC. Akt is required for Axl-Gas6 signaling to protect cells from E1A-mediated apoptosis.  Oncogene 2002; 21:329-336

Ding Y, Wen Y, Spohn B, Wang L, Xia W, Kwong KY, Shao R, Li Z, Hortobagyi G, Hung MC, and Yan DH.  Proapoptotic and Antitumor Activities of Adenovirus-mediated p202 Gene Transfer. Clin Cancer Res 2002; 8:3292-3297

Deng J, Miller SA, Wang HY, Xia W, Wen Y, Zhou BP, Li Y, Lin SY, and Hung MC. Beta-catenin interacts with and inhibits NF-kappa B in human colon and breast cancer.  Cancer Cell 2002; 2:323-334

Yan DH, Abramian A, Li Z, Ding Y, Wen Y, Liu TJ, and Hunt K.  p202, an Interferon-Inducible Protein, Inhibits E2F1-Mediated Apoptosis in Prostate Cancer Cells.   Biochemical and biophysical research communications (BBRC) 2003; 303: 219-222

Li Y, Wen Y, Zhou BP, Kuo HP, Ding Q, and Hung MC.  Enhancement of Bik Anti-Tumor Effect bu Bik Mutant.  Cancer Res. 2003; 63:7630-7633

Wen Y, Giri D, Spohn B, Zinner RG, Xia W, Thompson TC, Matusik RJ, Zou Y, Yan DH, and Hung MC.  Prostate Specific Anti-tumor Activity by Probasin Promoter-Directed p202 Expression.  Mol. Carcinogenesis 2003; 37:130-137

Deng J, Xia W, Miller SA, Wen Y, Wang HY, and Hung MC.  Crossregulation of NF-kappa B by the APC/GSK beta/beta-catenin pathway.  Mol. Carcinog. 2004; 39:139-146

Yan DH*, Wen Y*, Su LK, Xia W, Wang SC, Zhang S, Gan L, Hortobagyi GN, and Hung MC.  A delayed chemically-induced tumorigenesis in Brca2 mutant mice.  Oncogene 2004; 23:1896-1901   (equal contribution)

Shao R, Lee DF, Wen Y, Ding Y, Xia W, Ping B, Yagita H, Spohn B, and Hung MC.  E1A Sensitizes Cancer Cells to TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis through Enhancement of Caspase Activation.  Molecular Cancer Res. 2005; 3:219-226

Cha TL, Lin Q, Chen CT, Wen Y, and Hung MC.  Emodin Induces Androgen Receptor Degradation and Suppresses Prostate Cancer Cell Growth.  Cancer Res. 2005; 65: 2287-2295

Wen YH, Koeppen H, Garcia R, Chiriboga L, Tarlow B, Peters B, Eigenbrot C, Yee H, Steiner G, and Greco MA.  Epidermal Growth Factor in Osteosarcoma: Expression and Mutational Analysis. Human Pathol 2007; 38:1184-1191

Wen YH, Giashuddin S, Shapiro RL, Velazquez FE, and Melamed J.  Unusual Occurrence of a Melanoma with Intermixed Epithelial Component: A True melanocarcinoma? Case Report and Review of Epithelial Differentiation by Light Microscopy and Immunohistochemistry.  Am J Dermatopathol 2007; 29:395-399

Wen YH, Shi X, Chiriboga L, Matsahashi S., Yee H, and Afonja O.  Alterations in the expression of PDCD4 in ductal carcinoma of the breast.  Oncology report 2007; 18:1387-1393

Rapkiewicz A, Wen YH, Sen F, Das K. Cytomorphologic examination of anaplastic large cell lymphoma by fine-needle aspiration cytology. Cancer. 2007; 111:499-507

Morris LG, Wen YH, Nonaka D, Kutler DI, Huan Y, and Wang B.  PNL2 melanocytic marker in immunohistochemical evaluation of primary mucosal melanoma of the head and neck.  Head Neck. 2008;30:771-775

Wen YH, Yee H, Goswami S, Shukla P.  Fascin Expression in Serous Tumors of Ovary Correlates with Aggressiveness of Malignancy.  Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 28:187-192

Flavin R, Smyth P, Barrett C, Russell S, Wen YH, Wei J, Laios A, O’Toole S, Ring M, Denning K, Li J, Aherne S, Sammarae D, Aziz NA, Alhadi A, Finn SP, Loda M, B S, Sheils O, O’Leary JJ.  mir-29b expression is associated with disease-free survival in ovarian serous carcinoma patients.  Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 19: 641-647

Peng L, Wen Y, Han Y, Wei A, Shi G, Mizuguchi M, Lee P, Hernando E, Mittal K, and Wei JJ. Expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factors (IGFs) and IGF Signaling: Molecular Complexity in Uterine Leiomyomas. Fertil Steril 2009; 91:2664-2675

Chandra P, Wen YH, Tuli S, Raphael BG, Amorosi EL, Medeiros LJ, and Ibrahim S.  Post-Chemotherapy Histiocyte-rich Pseudotumor Involving the Spleen.  Am J Clin Pathol.  2009; 132: 342-348

Wang S, Yee H, Wen YH, Wang BY.  Papillomas of the External Ear Canal: Report of Ten Cases in Chinese Patients with HPV In Situ Hybridization.  Head Neck Pathol. 2009; 3:207-211

Wolf JH, Wen YH, Axelrod D, Roses D, Guth A, Shapiro R, Cohen J, Singh B.  Higher Volume at Time of Breast Conserving Surgery Reduces Re-excision in DCIS.  Int J Surg Oncol. 2011; 2011:785803. Epub 2011 Mar 9

D’Arcy C, Wen YH, Stadler ZK, Brogi E, Shia J.  Synchronous breast cancers with different morphologic and molecular phenotypes occurring in Lynch syndrome: what does the heterogeneity imply? Am J Surg Pathol. 2011; 35:1743-1748

Ho AY, Gupta G, King TA, Perez CA, Patil SM, Rogers KH, Wen YH, Brogi E, Morrow M, Hudis CA, Traina T, McCormick B, Powell SN, Robson ME. Favorable Prognosis in Patients with T1a/T1bN0 Triple Negative Breast Cancers Treated With Multimodality Therapy. Cancer 2012; 118: 4944-4952

Wen YH, Ho A, Patil S, Akram A, Catalano J, Norton L, Benezra R, Brogi E.  Id4 Protein is Highly Expressed in Triple Negative Breast Carcinomas: Possible Implications for BRCA1 Downregulation. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012; 135: 93-102

Wen YH, Brogi E, Zeng Z, Akram M, Catalano J, Paty P, Norton L, Shia J.  DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiency in Breast Carcinoma:  a Pilot Study of Triple Negative and non-Triple Negative Tumors. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012; 36:1700-1708

Zhang X, Jin X, Malladi S, Zou Y, Wen YH, Brogi E, Smid M, Foekens J, and Massagué J. Selection of Bone Metastasis Seeds by Mesenchymal Signals in the Primary Tumor Stroma. Cell 2013; 154:1060-1073

Wen YH, Brogi E, Hasanovic A, Ladanyi M, Soslow R, Chitale D, Shia J, Moreira AL. Immunohistochemical staining with EGFR mutation specific antibodies: high specificity as a diagnostic marker for lung adenocarcinoma.  Modern Pathol. 2013; 26:1197-1203

Weigelt B, Ng CKY, Wen YH, Reis-Filho JS. Combining two antibodies to define E-cadherin loss of expression in non-lobular carcinomas: when less is more. Histopathology 2013; 63:439-440

Perez CA, Zumsteg Z, Gupta G, Morrow M, Arnold B, Patil SM, Traina TA, Robson ME, Wen YH, McCormick, B, Powell SN, Ho AY. Black race as a prognostic factor in triple negative breast cancer patients treated with breast conserving therapy: A large, single-institution retrospective analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013; 139: 497-506

Sung JS, Jochelson MS, Brennan S, Joo S, Wen YH, Moskowitz C, Zheng J, Dershaw DD, Morris EA. MR Imaging Features of Triple Negative Breast Cancers.  Breast J. 2013; 19:643-649

Gupta GP, Vanness K, Barlas A, Manova-Todorova KO, Wen YH, and Petrini JHJ. The Mre11 Complex Suppresses Oncogene-driven Breast Tumorigenesis and Metastasis. Mol Cell 2013; 52:353-365

Schrader K, Stratton K, Murali R, Laitman Y, Cavallone L, Offit L, Wen YH, Thomas T, Shah S, Rau-Murthy R, Manschreck C, Salo-Mullen E, Otegbeye E, Corines M, Norton L, Hudis C, Klein R, Kauff N, Robson M, Stadler Z, Haber D, Lipkin S, Friedman E, Foulkes WD, Altshuler D, Vijai J, Offit K. Genome Sequencing of Multiple Primary Tumors Reveals Novel PALB2 Variant. J Clin Oncol.2016; 34: e61-67 Epub 2014 June 30

Weinreb I, Piscuoglio S, Martelotto LG, Waggott D, Ng CKY, Perez-Ordonez B, Harding NJ,  Alfaro J, Chu KC, Viale A,  Fusco N, da Cruz Paula A, Marchio C, Sakr RA, Lim R, Thompson LDR, Chiosea SI, Seethala RR, Skalova A, Stelow EB, Fonseca I, Assaad A, How C, Wang J, de Borja R, Chan-Seng-Yue M,  Howlett CJ, Nichols AC, Wen YH, Katabi N, Buchner N, Mullen L, Kislinger T, Wouters BG, Liu F , Norton L, McPherson JD , Rubin BP, Clarke BA, Weigelt B, Boutros PC, Reis-Filho JS. Hotspot activating PRKD1 somatic mutations in polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinomas of the salivary glands. Nature Genetics. 2014; 46:1166-1169

Tozbikian G, Brogi E, Kadota K, Catalano J, Akram M, Patil S, Ho AY, Reis-Filho JS, Weigelt B, Norton L, Adusumilli PS, Wen, HY*. Mesothelin Expression in Triple Negative Breast Carcinomas Correlates Significantly with Basal-like Phenotype, Distant Metastases and Decreased Survival. PLoS ONE 2014; 9: e114900. (*corresponding author)

Piscuoglio S, Hodi Z, Katabi N, Guerini-Rocco E, De Souza Macedo G, Ng CKY, de Mattos Arruda L, Wen HY, Rakha EA, Ellis IO, Rubin BP, Weigelt B and Reis-Filho JR. Are acinic cell carcinomas of the breast and salivary glands distinct diseases? Histopathology 2015; 67:529-537

Kleppe M, Comen E, Wen, HY, Bastian L, Blum B, Rapaport FT, Keller M, Granot Z, Socci N, Viale A, You D, Benezra R, Weigelt B, Reis-Filho JS, Brogi E, Berger MF, Levine RL, Norton L. Leukocytes Infiltrating Primary Breast Cancers Harbor Oncogenic Mutations. NPG Breast Cancer 2015; 1: article number 15005

Martelotto LG, De Filippo MR, Ng CK, Natrajan R, Fuhrmann L, Cyrta J, Piscuoglio S, Wen HC, Lim RS, Shen R, Schultheis AM, Wen YH, Edelweiss M, Mariani O, Stenman G, Chan TA, Colombo PE, Norton L, Vincent-Salomon A, Reis-Filho JS, Weigelt B. Genomic Landscape of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Breast. J Pathol 2015; 237:179-189

Guerini-Rocco E, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, De Filippo MR, Geyer FC, Eberle CA Akram M, Fusco N, Ichihara S, Vincent-Salomon A, Ellis IO, Wen HY, Weigelt B, Schnitt SJ, and Reis-Filho JS. Microglandular adenosis associated with triple-negative breast cancer is a neoplastic lesion of triple-negative phenotype harboring TP53 somatic mutations. J Pathol 2016; 238: 677-688

Ebbesen SH, Scaltriti M, Bialucha CU, Morse N, Kastenhuber ER, Wen HY, Dow LE, Baselga J, Lowe SW. PTEN loss promotes MAPK pathway dependency in HER2/neu breast carcinomas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016; 113: 3030-3035

Weisman P, Ng  CKY, Brogi E, Eisenberg  R, Won  HH, Piscuoglio S, De Filippo MR, Ioris R, Akram M, Norton L, Weigelt B, Berger MF, Reis-Filho JS, and Wen HY*. Genetic Alterations of Triple Negative Breast Cancer By Targeted Next Generation Sequencing And Correlation With Tumor Morphology. Mod Pathol 2016; 29:476-488. (*corresponding author)

Qian XL, Wen HY, Yang YL, Gu F, Guo XJ, Liu FF, Zhang L, Zhang XM, Fu L. Assessment Of Dual-Probe Her-2 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization In Breast Cancer By 2013 ASCO/CAP Guidelines Produces More Equivocal Results Than That By 2007 ASCO/CAP Guidelines. Breast Cancer Res Treat July 25, 2016; 159: 31-39. Epub ahead of print 2016 July 25

Tozbikian G, Brogi E, Vallejo CE, Giri D, Murray M, Catalano J, Olcese  C, Patil S, Van Zee KJ, Wen HY*. Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Bordering on Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: Interobserver Variability and Outcomes in 105 Cases. Int J Surg Pathol 2016, July 31. Epub ahead of print (*corresponding author)

Wen HY, Krystel-­Whittemore M, Pareja F, Bowser ZL, Morrow M, Dickler M, Hudis C and Brogi E. Breast Carcinoma with Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Lower Than 18: Rate of Distant Metastases in a Large Series with Clinical Follow-up. Cancer. 2016, Aug 15. Epub ahead of print

McArthur HL, Diab A, Page D, Yuan J, Solomon SB, Sacchini V, Comstock C, Durack JC, Sung J, Maybody M, Ginsberg A, Wong P, Barlas A, Dong Z, Blum B, Patil S, Neville DA, Comen EA, Morris EA, Kotin A, Brogi E, Wen HY, Morrow M, Lacouture M, Sharma P, Allison JP, Hudis CA, Wolchok JD, and Norton L. A Pilot Study of Preoperative Single-Dose Ipilimumab and/or Cryoablation in Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer with Comprehensive Immune Profiling. Clin Cancer Res 2016, Aug 26. Epub ahead of print

Page DB, Yuan J, Redmond D, Wen HY, Durack JC, Emerson R, Solomon S, Dong Z, Wong P, Comstock C, Diab A, Sung J, Maybody M, Morris EA, Brogi E, Morrow M, Sacchini V, Elemento O, Robins H, Patil S, Allison JP, Wolchok JD, Hudis C, Norton L, and McArthur H. T-cell Receptor DNA Deep Sequencing as a Biomarker of Clonality Expanded TILs in Breast Cancer After Immunotherapy. Cancer Immunol Res 2016; 4: 835-844. Epub ahead of print 2016 Sep 1

Geyer FC, Berman SH, Marchiò C, Burke K, Guerini-Rocco E,  Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Pareja F, Wen HY, Hodi Z, Rakha EA, Ellis IO, Schnitt S, Norton L, Weigelt B and Reis-Filho JS. Genetic Analysis of Microglandular Adenosis and Acinic Cell Carcinomas of the Breast Provides Evidence for the Existence of a Low-grade Triple-Negative Breast Neoplasia Family. Modern Pathol 2016, Oct 7. Epub ahead of print


Zuo Z, Chandra P, Wen YH, Koeppen H.  Molecular Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  Diagnostic Histopathology 2009; 15: 531-539

Wen YH, Weigelt B, and Reis-Filho JS.  Microglandular Adenosis: a Non-Obligate Precursor of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer?  Histol Histopathol. 2013, 28:1099-1108

Ross DS, Wen YH, Brogi E.  Ductal Carcinoma in situ: Morphology-Based Knowledge and Molecular Advances. Adv Anat Pathol. 2013. 20:205-216

Weisman P and Wen HY. Commentary on “Impact of Analysis of Frozen-section Margin on Reoperation Rates In Women Undergoing Lumpectomy For Breast Cancer: Evaluation Of The National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Data”. Breast Disease: A Yearly Book Quarterly. 2015; 26:159


Los médicos y miembros del cuerpo docente a menudo trabajan con compañías farmacéuticas, de dispositivos, biotecnología y de ciencias biológicas, y otras organizaciones externas que no pertenecen a MSK, para encontrar tratamientos contra el cáncer seguros y eficaces, mejorar la atención al paciente y educar a la comunidad de atención médica.

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Hannah Yong Wen divulga las siguientes relaciones y los siguientes intereses financieros:

  • AstraZeneca
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