4th Anniversary Celebration of Integrative Medicine at Home



In 2020, we established Integrative Medicine at Home (IM@Home), our membership program of daily online mind-body and fitness classes, to support our cancer community. In celebration of four years of IM@Home, join Dr. Jun J. Mao, chief of the Integrative Medicine Service, and our instructors to experience tai chi, fitness, music, and mindfulness. All are welcome! Please invite your friends and family to participate in this free event.

Audience: This workshop is open to people who have been treated for cancer and their caregivers.


  • Robin Hardbattle – MSK Mind-Body Therapist
  • Alessandro G Ricciarelli – MSK Music Therapist
  • Beth Sandweiss – MSK Mind-Body Therapist
  • Christine Trastevere – MSK Fitness Instructor 

What to Wear: 

Comfortable clothing so you can move easily.

You Must Be Able To: 

Sit comfortably.

Date & Time(s)

Registration Details

This is a free event, but registration is required.

Register now on Zoom

You will receive an email from Zoom confirming your registration with instructions to join the event.

Integrative Medicine at Home is a monthly membership program offering access to daily online fitness and mind-body classes. Learn more and become a member today by visiting our website.