Many people receiving chemotherapy develop a condition called chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, or CIPN, that causes pain and/or numbness in the hands and feet. Research has suggested massage can help reduce the pain, numbness, and other problems that commonly occur with CIPN. In this workshop, an MSK nurse practitioner will discuss the research and rationale behind massage for CIPN. An MSK massage therapist who has worked with CIPN patients for over 20 years will share ways to relieve CIPN symptoms at home using warm soaks, stretches, and self-massage techniques.
Audience: This workshop is open to people who have been treated for cancer and their caregivers. It is designed for people who have been diagnosed with CIPN and people receiving chemotherapy that may cause CIPN.
- Rocco Caputo, CNMT, LMT – MSK Massage Therapist
You Will Need:
- A computer with a high-speed Internet connection, or a tablet, such as an iPad, or a smartphone.
- A webcam, speaker, and microphone. If you do not have a microphone and speaker, you can participate in the class by phone. You will receive the phone number once you register.
- Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser
What to Wear:
- Comfortable clothing
You Must Be Able To:
- Sit comfortably