NEW! Yoga for Balance & Stability (workshop)



Side effects of cancer treatment can lead to gait imbalance, loss of sensation or pain in feet, and decreased muscle mass. All of these side effects can contribute to challenges with balance and may leave you at a greater risk for falls. In this workshop led by an MSK yoga therapist, learn yoga tools and practices that can help to improve balance and stability. Discover how yoga can improve postural alignment, promote body awareness, muscle strength and flexibility, and joint stabilization. No prior yoga experience is necessary.

Audience: This workshop is open to people who have been treated for cancer and their caregivers.


  • Clare Patterson, MS, C-IAYT, E-RYT, certified Yoga 4 Cancer™ instructor 

You Will Need:

  • Yoga or exercise mat
  • One yoga block
  • A chair
  • Access to a wall  

What to Wear: 

  • Comfortable clothing so you can move easily

You Must Be Able To: 

  • Move from sitting to standing 

Date & Time(s)


This class is taught online through Zoom, a videoconference system.

Registration Details

Registration for this workshop is required. Please complete the form below for one of the available dates: You will receive an email to confirm your registration and instructions to join the class.

  • General public rate: $25
  • Integrative Medicine at Home member rate: $20

Integrative Medicine at Home is a monthly membership program offering access to daily different online fitness and mind-body classes. Learn more and become a member today by visiting our website.

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