Cytopathology Fellowship


This is a one-year Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited fellowship program in diagnostic cytopathology offered by the Cytology Service of the Department of Pathology. The fellowship provides training in all areas of cytology, including performance of FNAs. The material comprises approximately 38,000 specimens per year, including gynecologic specimens and non-gynecologic samples, of which approximately 6,700 are imaging-guided FNAs and 1,300 are pathologist-performed FNAs. Ancillary tests, such as flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology are available. Close interaction with a subspecialized surgical pathology department enhances the learning experience. The fellowship has a structured educational curriculum, which includes screening, weekly unknowns, and formal didactics. Fellows are encouraged to participate in research projects with members of the department and/or in cooperation with clinicians.

Download the Cytopathology Fellowship Program brochure.





Rolling admissions through August 1st

Length of Program

1 year


The fellowship is available to individuals who have completed training in pathology in an ACGME-accredited residency program. Board-eligibility in either AP or AP/CP is required by the beginning of the fellowship in Cytopathology.

All qualified applicants are welcome, but preference will be given to those committed to an academic career in pathology.

Early application is encouraged. Please contact the Program Director, Dr. Marina K Baine (, after submitting your application online to express interest and confirm submission.

Number of Positions


How to Apply

Apply Online

Once applicants have submitted their applications, they will need to send the following documents in order to be considered for a fellowship position:

  • Three letters of recommendation from an institution in which the applicant has trained. 
  • Copy of a medical school diploma and translation, if necessary.
  • Letters certifying training from each institution in which the applicant has trained in the United States or Canada. This must include dates of training and be signed by the institution’s program director or chairman.
  • International medical school graduates must submit a copy of their Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate that is marked “valid indefinitely”

Additional Information

Stipend and Maintenance

The stipend is commensurate with the year of the applicant’s postgraduate training. Professional liability insurance and health coverage are provided free of charge. For details regarding housing please visit our GME Housing page.


Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases is a 425-bed hospital devoted to the care of patients with neoplastic diseases. The hospital is part of the Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, which also includes Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. There is an affiliation and close interaction between the clinical and research units of the Center and the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, as well as with The Rockefeller University.

Program Director

Assistant Director


Angelica Angel, Sheila Vazquez and Sabrina Calabria
Department of Pathology 
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065