Ovarian Cancer Clinical Research Fellowship

Ovarian Cancer Clinical Research Fellowship


Our Faculty

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The Ovarian Cancer Clinical Research fellowship is a two-year position that exposes research fellows to a robust and active clinical research program in all aspects of ovarian cancer research. The fellow works closely with world recognized experts in the prevention and management of ovarian cancer. The fellow works closely with ovarian cancer specialists from Gynecologic Oncology, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Biostatistics and Nursing among many others. In addition, the fellow will work closely with dedicated research staff.

The Gynecology Service is dedicated to the advancement of care of patients with cancer and has a long history of research excellence. The Ovarian Cancer Team at MSKCC is recognized a leader in this field and has been instrumental in setting the standards of care for women with ovarian cancer worldwide. The fellow will learn how to identify unanswered questions, develop a hypothesis, design research projects, conduct these projects, analyze the data, and then publish results. The fellow will present their data and results at national and international meetings and subsequently publish results as we continue with the advancement of care of women with ovarian cancer. The fellow will gain knowledge of the complex and advanced surgical procedures needed to offer the best outcomes in women with advanced ovarian cancer.

The fellow is responsibility for coordinating the bi-weekly multi-specialty Ovarian Team meetings as well as overseeing one of the world’s largest single institution retrospective and prospective database. The fellow will have the opportunity to work on all types of research from retrospective cohort studies to prospective single arm as well as randomized trials. The fellow will have the opportunity to recruit, enroll and oversee patients entering on prospective trials. The fellow will have structured training in biostatistics and trial design as well as in the hands-on analysis of data. Additionally, the fellow will have the opportunity to work with the Gynecologic Oncology fellows, attend grand rounds across multiple specialties, tumor boards, and the many other didactic opportunities held at MSKCC, Weill Cornell Medical College, and Rockefeller University. At completion, the fellow will have gained the needed skills to be an effective clinical researcher.


Applicants must have completed residency training in one of these fields: obstetrics and gynecology or general surgery. Having trained at a board-approved program is an asset but not a requirement. Foreign medical graduates with equivalent qualifications are also eligible to apply provided they are visa- eligible.

Number of Positions

1 starting every odd year

How to Apply

Access the online application.

In addition to completing the application, you will be asked to supply:

  • Current CV
  • Completed self-identification form (optional)

Program Mentor

Kara Long Roche, MD


Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Department of Surgery
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065