Pediatric Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Pediatric Surgical Oncology Fellowship

VIDEO | 01:45
See what it's like to train at Memorial Sloan Kettering, a world-renowned academic medical center dedicated to patient care, research, and education.
Video Details

The Pediatric Surgical Oncology Fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is a unique fellowship that offers broad exposure to the spectrum of surgical management of pediatric oncologic disease. As one of the busiest pediatric surgical oncology services in the world, the Pediatric Surgical Service is involved with more than 550 operative and several hundred additional procedures a year.

Fellows are exposed to patients with neuroblastoma, Wilms’ tumors, hepatic tumors, extremity and central sarcomas, head and neck tumors, and other solid malignancies of childhood. The service has a special focus in the care and management of patients with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors. The service is heavily integrated with the Pediatric Oncology Service and participates in the acute care management and supportive interventions of patients with both solid and liquid malignancies. The service also performs endoscopy, and minimal access surgery — including thoracoscopy and laparoscopy — and pediatric urologic oncology.

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The Pediatric Surgical Oncology fellow will work closely with the three attending pediatric surgical oncologists, as well as with the pediatric oncology staff in the management of patients. There is also ample opportunity for clinical research, which may involve participation in clinical protocols and/or involvement in other Pediatric Surgical Oncology projects.

Benefits and Environment

MSK is located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan — a vibrant, safe community with many nearby activities for adults and children. Salary and benefits are provided to all fellows according to level of training (number of postgraduate years). MSKCC provides housing accommodations at a subsidized rate to all fellows in the form of unfurnished apartments within a short walking distance of the hospital. There are many schools and affordable childcare options nearby.


June 30, 2024

Length of Program

1 year ([August 1, 2026 – September 31, 2027)


By the beginning date of the fellowship, all applicants must have completed their residency training in an accredited general surgery program in the US or Canada and have attained qualification to sit for the examination of the American Board of Surgery.  Foreign candidates must have passed the USMLE examinations and hold a valid ECFMG certificate. Applicants should have passed USMLE step 3 and be eligible to apply for the H1B visa. Selected foreign candidates must qualify and obtain a limited permit to practice medicine from the New York State Education Department, in accordance with its requirements. All applicants must have excellent mastery of the English language, empathy toward children, and the ability to handle difficult psychological and emotional circumstances surrounding pediatric cancer.

Number of Positions


How to Apply

Download application.

Applicants should send a completed application, a letter of request, CV, and at least three letters of recommendation, one being from the director of their residency program or from their chief of pediatric surgery where they have worked/trained.

If any of these requirements are not met or are incomplete upon submission, the application will not be processed.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Program Director


Surgical Education Office
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
Box 435
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-639-7537