Air Quality Monthly Report

Air Quality Monthly Report


At each month’s Construction Working Group (CWG) meeting, MSK presents a graph of continuous air quality readings for the previous 30 days from the air monitors around The Kenneth C. Griffin Pavilion at MSK site. The line on the graph represents the readings averaged every 15 minutes daily. The readings are of overall air quality levels, to which the pavilion construction activities contribute. 

The readings use the PM10 scale, which measures the amount of particulate matter in the air in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³). On the PM10 scale, a level of 0-50 is generally considered good, and above 150 is considered potentially unhealthy. If the air quality ever exceeds 100 on the PM10 scale for a sustained period – which could indicate a potentially hazardous air quality condition for sensitive populations – the community will be notified.

air quality report

Previous air quality reports can be found in the meeting notes here