Collette Houston

Vice President, Clinical Research Compliance

Collette Houston

Vice President, Clinical Research Compliance
Collette Houston

Collette has been involved in clinical research activities and management at MSK for more than 30 years. She provides leadership and strategic direction to the clinical research compliance units, overseeing protocol activation and HRPP including the IRB and privacy board, multi-site compliance, regulatory compliance and product development, and quality assurance. Collette works collaboratively with Dorothy Damron and Amy Copeland on ensuring MSK’s clinical research program adheres to institutional, state, and federal regulatory requirements. She serves on MSK’s Research Council (Scientific-Peer Review) and IRB/Privacy Board, participates in CRA Leadership and MSK’s Corporate Compliance Committee, and is a member of the Clinical Research Initiative Steering Committee for the American Association of Cancer Institutes. Collette is an active presenter and facilitator for AACI’s Clinical Research Initiative and PRIM&R (Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research). She earned her bachelor of science degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook with a focus in biology and applied mathematics.