Joana Vidal Barrull, MD

Visiting Investigator

Joana Vidal Barrull, MD

Visiting Investigator
Joana Vidal Barrull

My research interests are characterizing cell-free DNA.  Using in vitro methods, I am working to define the underlying biological mechanisms of these molecules to improve its use as a biomarker for residual disease.


Vidal J, B. Bellosillo, C. Santos Vivas, P. García-Alfonso, A. Carrato, M. T. Cano, R. García-Carbonero, E.Élez, F. Losa, B. Massutí, M. Valladares-Ayerbes, J. M. Vieítez, J. L. Manzano, D. Azuara3, J. Gallego, S. Pairet, G. Capellá, R. Salazar, J. Tabernero, E. Aranda & C.  Montagut. Ultra-selection of metastatic colorectal cancer patients using next-generation sequencing to improve clinical efficacy of anti-EGFR therapy. Ann Oncol. 2019 Mar 1;30(3):439-446.

Montagut C; Argilés, G; Ciardiello F; Poulsen T; Dienstmann R; Kragh M; Kopetz S; Lindsted T; Ding C; Vidal J;  Clausell-Tormos, J; Siravegna G; Sánchez-Martín F; Koefoed K; Pedersen MW; Grandal M; Dvorkin, M; Wyrwicz L; Rovira A; Cubillo A; Salazar R; Desseigne F; Nadal C; Albanell J; Zagonel V; Siena S; Fumi G; Rospo G; Nadler P; Horak I.D; Bardelli A; Tabernero J. Efficacy of Sym004 in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer With Acquired Resistance to Anti-EGFR Therapy and Molecularly Selected by Circulating Tumor DNA Analyses: A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol. 2018 Apr 12;4(4):e175245.

Vidal J, Muinelo L, Dalmases A, F Jones, D Edelstein, M Iglesias, M. Orrillo, A Abalo, C Rodríguez, E Brozos, Y Vidal, S Candamio, F Vázquez, J Ruiz, M Guix, L Visa, V Sikri, J Albanell, B Bellosillo, R López, C Montagut. Plasma RAS mutations for the selection and monitorining of colorectal cancer patients treated with anti-EGFR therapy. Ann Oncol 2017;28:1325-133.

Grasselli J, Elez E, Caratù G, Matito J, Santos C, Macarulla T, Vidal J, Garcia M, Viéitez JM, Paéz D, Falcó E, Lopez Lopez C, Aranda E, Jones F, Sikri V, Nuciforo P, Fasani R, Tabernero J, Montagut C, Azuara D, Dienstmann R, Salazar R, Vivancos A. Concordance of blood- and tumor-based detection of RAS mutations to guide anti-EGFR therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 2017; 28:1294-1301.

Brammeld JS, Petljak M, Martincorena I, Williams SP, Alonso LG, Dalmases A, Bellosillo B, Robles-Espinoza CD, Price S, Barthorpe S, Tarpey P, Alifrangis C, Bignell G, Vidal J, Young J, Stebbings L, Beal K, Stratton MR, Saez-Rodriguez J, Garnett M, Montagut C, Iorio F, McDermott U. Genome-wide chemical mutagenesis screens allow unbiased saturation of the cancer genome and identification of drug resistance mutations. Genome Res 2017; 4:613-625.

Van Emburgh B,  Arena S, Siravegna G, Lazzari L, Crisafulli, Corti, Mussolin B, Baldi, Buscarino, Bartolini, Valtorta, Vidal J, Bellosillo B, Germano, Pietrantonio, Ponzetti, Albanell J, Siena S, Sartore-Bianchi A, Di Nicolantonio B, Montagut C, Bardelli A (CM and AB ara co-corresponding). Emergence of RAS or EGFR extracellular domain mutations and duration of response to EGFR blockade in colorectal cancer. Nat Comm. 2016; 7:13665.

Sanchez-Martín FJ, Bellosillo B, Gelabert M, Dalmases A, Cañadas I, Vidal J, Martinez A, Argiles G, Siravegna G, Arena S, Koefoed K, Visa L, Arpi O, Horak ID, Iglesias M, Stroch C, Kragh M, Rovira A, Albanell J, Tabernero J, Bardelli A, Montagut C . The First-in-class Anti-EGFR Antibody Mixture Sym004 Overcomes Cetuximab Resistance Mediated by EGFR Extracellular Domain Mutations in Colorectal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2016; 13:3260-7.