Email Mentor Omar Abdel-Wahab, MD Start Year 2021 Education BS, California Institute of Technology; Cancer Biology Fellowship NIH Individual Predoctoral Dual Degree Fellows Award (F30) (2024-2025) Publications Chen S, Vedula RS, Cuevas-Navarro A, Lu B, Hogg SJ, Wang E, Benbarche S, Knorr K, Kim WJ, Stanley RF, Cho H, Erickson C, Singer M, Cui D, Tittley S, Durham BH, Pavletich TS, Fiala E, Walsh MF, Inoue D, Monette S, Taylor J, Rosen N, McCormick F, Lindsley RC, Castel P, Abdel-Wahab O; Impaired Proteolysis of Noncanonical RAS Proteins Drives Clonal Hematopoietic Transformation.; Cancer discovery; 2022; 12(10):2434-2453; PMC9533010; PubMed ID: 35904492Wang E, Pineda JMB, Kim WJ, Chen S, Bourcier J, Stahl M, Hogg SJ, Bewersdorf JP, Han C, Singer ME, Cui D, Erickson CE, Tittley SM, Penson AV, Knorr K, Stanley RF, Rahman J, Krishnamoorthy G, Fagin JA, Creger E, McMillan E, Mak CC, Jarvis M, Bossard C, Beaupre DM, Bradley RK, Abdel-Wahab O; Modulation of RNA splicing enhances response to BCL2 inhibition in leukemia.; Cancer cell; 2022 PubMed ID: 36563682Tan KT, Kim H, Carrot-Zhang J, Zhang Y, Kim WJ, Kugener G, Wala JA, Howard TP, Chi YY, Beroukhim R, Li H, Ha G, Alper SL, Perlman EJ, Mullen EA, Hahn WC, Meyerson M, Hong AL; Haplotype-resolved germline and somatic alterations in renal medullary carcinomas.; Genome medicine; 2021; 13(1):114; PMC8281718; PubMed ID: 34261517