

The chemical and biomechanical regulation of wound detection in animals

The chemical and biomechanical regulation of wound detection in animals.

Biomechanical Regulation of Wound Detection

We recently identified biomechanical cues as important triggers of early inflammation and wound detection. We focus on a novel class of membrane tension-sensitive lipid binding motifs common among many inflammatory enzymes and peripheral membrane signaling proteins. We want to understand the mechanism and physiological function of membrane mechano-signaling during inflammation and wound healing.

Chemical Regulation of Wound Detection

The oxidative wound environment regulates important aspects of wound detection, such as rapid leukocyte recruitment. How tissues integrate redox and biomechanical signals is unknown. We combine quantitative biosensor imaging in cells and live zebrafish with biochemical reconstitution-, transcriptomic-, and lipidomic-approaches. We are investigating the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) as integrators of biomechanical and oxidative stress. 

Spatial and Temporal Regulation of Wound Detection

How inflammatory signals mediate long-distance effects in tissues remains largely elusive. We are developing and applying biosensor imaging assays to decipher the spatiotemporal signaling circuitry of wound detection within intact tissue.

VIDEO | 00:08

Spatial and Temporal Regulation of Wound Detection

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