531 News Items found
Joan Massagué leads Memorial Sloan Kettering's Metastasis Research Center
Opening Cancer's Black Box
The Metastasis Research Center has brought together 27 Memorial Sloan Kettering laboratories to facilitate research on metastasis and its treatment.
Hedvig Hricak
Hedvig Hricak Named President of Radiological Society
Hedvig Hricak, Chair of Memorial Sloan Kettering's Department of Radiology and incumbent of the Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair, has been named the 95th President of the Radiological Society of North America Board of Directors.
Alexandra Joyner
Alexandra Joyner Elected to the Institute of Medicine
Alexandra L. Joyner have been elected members of the Institute of Medicine.
Investigators Pioneer a Cell-Based System for Modeling Disease and Treatment
Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers have engineered stem cells from patients with familial dysautonomia, a rare genetic disorder, and used them to explore the causes of the disease and to test drugs that might be effective against it.
Dinshaw Patel (left) and David Allis
Linking Histones and Cancer
Structural biologists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center are collaborating with biochemists and cell biologists at The Rockefeller University to study how cells read genetic instructions imprinted on histones, DNA's packaging proteins.
Researchers Find Genetic Key to Breast Cancer's Ability to Survive and Spread
New research led by investigators at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center sheds light on a genetic function that gives breast cancer cells the ability to survive and spread to the bone years after treatment has been administered.
Dinshaw J. Patel
Dinshaw Patel Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Dinshaw J. Patel, a Member in Sloan Kettering Institute's Structural Biology Program and incumbent of the Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Chair in Experimental Therapeutics, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences at its 146th annual meeting in April.
Jennifer A. Zallen
Jennifer Zallen Selected as Early Career Scientist By Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Jennifer A. Zallen, a member of the Developmental Biology Program in the Sloan Kettering Institute, has been selected by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) as an Early Career Scientist.
Grégoire Altan-Bonnet
Two Young Investigators Named to New Bristol-Myers Squibb/James D. Robinson III Junior Faculty Chairs
Memorial Sloan Kettering's Boards of Overseers and Managers have announced the creation of the Bristol-Myers Squibb/James D. Robinson III Junior Faculty Chairs and have named the first two incumbents: Sloan Kettering Institute's Grégoire Altan-Bonnet and Songhai Shi.
Picture: Joan Massagué
Genes Found to Play a Role in Breast Cancer's Spread to the Brain
New research led by investigators at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center identifies three genes that specifically mediate the metastasis, or spread, of breast cancer to the brain and illuminates the mechanisms by which this spread occurs.