For Patients & Caregivers
Tell your healthcare providers about any dietary supplements you’re taking, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and natural or home remedies. This will help them manage your care and keep you safe.
What is it?
Juice Plus has not been shown to treat or prevent cancer.
Juice Plus is a dietary supplement that contains dried concentrates of fruits and vegetables. It has been studied for its antioxidant and cardiovascular effects, but more studies are needed.
Consumption of juice plus is thought to reduce oxidative stress and DNA damage, and has been associated with a reduction in common cold symptoms. In a study of head and neck cancer patients, it appeared to increase serum micronutrient levels, but had no clinical benefit.
Although there are ongoing clinical studies of Juice Plus in cancer patients, it has not been proven to treat or prevent cancer. Cancer patients should discuss the use of supplements with their physicians. Juice Plus is not a substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables.
What are the potential uses and benefits?
- To prevent and treat cancer
Evidence is lacking to support this claim. - To prevent and manage heart disease
Small studies showed mixed results. Well-designed clinical trials are needed. - To reduce cold symptoms
One study suggests that taking capsules consisting of a juice powder concentrate of fruits and vegetables may reduce common cold symptoms and duration.
What are the side effects?
Some patients reported gastrointestinal distress and hive-like rash in clinical studies.
What else do I need to know?
Do Not Take if:
You are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy: Supplements with antioxidant properties may decrease the effectiveness of these treatments.
For Healthcare Professionals
Brand Name
Clinical Summary
Juice Plus (JP) is a formulation derived from a variety of fruits and vegetables that contains additional vitamins. It is marketed to complement the daily diet based on the notion that people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Studies on bioavailability suggest that consumption of JP can increase serum levels of alpha-carotene, vitamin C, and folate (1) (2), but studies with other markers such as lutein and alpha-tocopherol yielded mixed results. JP was comparable to standard vitamin C and E supplements (3), but it remains unclear if this product is nutritionally superior to fresh produce. Although JP appeared to decrease plasma homocysteine levels, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (1) (9), the results were not reproducible (4). Other studies on cardiovascular effects such as changes in blood pressure and cholesterol levels were inconclusive (4) (5). JP is thought to reduce oxidative stress and DNA damage (2) (6) (10), and has been associated with a reduction in common cold symptoms (12). Gastrointestinal distress (5) and hive-like rash (11) have been associated with intake of JP in clinical trials.
In a study of head and neck cancer patients, JP appeared to increase serum micronutrient levels, but provided no clinical benefit (15).
While there is ongoing research using JP in cancer patients, it has not been proven to prevent or treat cancers. Due to its antioxidant effects, JP may interfere with the actions of some chemotherapy drugs. Cancer patients should discuss the use of supplements with their physicians. JP is not a substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Purported Uses and Benefits
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cold symptoms
Mechanism of Action
JP is thought to have antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. It reduces some biomarkers of oxidative stress but not others (2) (3) (6). Inflammatory cytokine TNF alpha production increased up to 8 weeks following consumption of JP, but decreased thereafter. It had no effect on other markers including IL-4, IL-6, superoxide dismutase, or glutathione (6) (7) (8). JP decreased levels of plasma homocysteine, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (1) (9), but failed to show similar effects in another study (4). Intake of phytochemical antioxidants may have a protective effect on endothelial function by preserving the bioactivity of nitric oxide (4). Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables may lower cholesterol levels due to their high fiber content, whereas JP extract did not appreciably alter cholesterol levels (4) (5).
Adverse Reactions
Gastrointestinal distress (5) and hive-like rash (11) in clinical studies.
Case Report
Hepatotoxicity linked to JP use: A 51-year-old woman with endometrial cancer experienced elevated liver function tests and interference with allopathic therapies. The patient discontinued using the product and liver function tests normalized over 4 weeks (14).
Herb-Drug Interactions
Chemotherapy drugs: Theoretically, antioxidants can decrease the efficacy of certain chemotherapy drugs that rely on the generation of free radicals for their cytotoxic effects. Supplements with antioxidant properties are therefore not recommended during chemotherapy.
Herb Lab Interactions
May elevate serum levels of some vitamins.