Developing Your Personal Care Plan

Developing Your Personal Care Plan

Memorial Sloan Kettering Chief of Integrative Medicine Service and acupuncture specialist Jun Mao with a patient

Acupuncture is a safe, painless, and evidence-based complementary therapy. Pictured is MSK Chief of Integrative Medicine Jun Mao with patient Tamara Brooks.

Call 646-608-8550 to schedule a consultation and receive your integrative medicine care plan.

Our doctors and nurse practitioner are specialists in integrative cancer care. They can provide you with guidance on how mind-body medicine, massage, exercise, and acupuncture could support your recovery and health. We have designed our integrative therapiesclasses, and workshops to be used along with surgerychemotherapy, and radiation.

You might be facing a new diagnosis, or you may be a longtime survivor coping with lasting effects from your cancer. In either case, our Integrative Medicine Service offers you options that enable you to actively participate in your care.

Benefits of an Integrative Medicine Consultation

In a consultation, we will talk with you and your family about the side effects that concern you. Together we create a custom, holistic care plan that includes recommendations for classes and private therapies that fit into your life.

At your appointment, you and your doctor will discuss:

  • Using integrative therapies proven to be effective for managing symptoms and side effects;
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle during and after treatment with exercise, yoga, and tai chi;
  • Using mindfulness for managing stress and improving your sleep; and
  • Proper use of herbs and dietary supplements to minimize risks and maximize benefits.

At every turn, our integrative medicine team is here to help you navigate the road ahead. And the earlier we get started, the faster you may begin to see — and feel — results.

Your Integrative Medicine Physicians

Jun J. Mao, MD, MSCE
Jun J. Mao

Chief, Integrative Medicine Service; Laurance S. Rockefeller Chair in Integrative Medicine

Memorial Sloan Kettering Integrative Medicine Specialist Gary Deng
Gary E. Deng

Medical Director, Integrative Medicine Service

Dr. Hyowoun Jyung
Hyowoun Jyung

Assistant Attending Physician

Memorial Sloan Kettering integrative medicine specialist Kevin Liou
Kevin Liou

Director, Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program

Nirupa J. Raghunathan, MD
Nirupa J. Raghunathan

Director, Pediatric Integrative Medicine

Lillian Rodich
Lillian Rodich

Physician Assistant

Alyona Weinstein
Alyona Weinstein

Nurse Practitioner

Our Research & Clinical Trials

Our doctors and researchers are studying how integrative therapies can be used to better control or reduce the side effects of cancer. We lead many innovative research studies at our outpatient locations in Manhattan and our regional locations. Learn more about how to participate in one of our clinical trials.