About Your Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

Time to Read: About 1 minute

This information explains your endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) at MSK.

An EUS is a procedure that uses sound waves to show images of your internal organs. It will give your doctor information about:

  • How deep a tumor extends into your tissue.
  • If your lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • If there is a tumor in nearby tissues.
  • How a tumor has responded to cancer treatment.

During your EUS, your doctor may also do a biopsy procedure to take a sample of tissue with a needle. If you have cysts, your doctor may also use a needle to remove fluid to learn more information about it and understand what is making it grow.

Your EUS will be done as part of another endoscopy procedure you’re having. To get ready for your EUS, review the information your nurse gave you about the endoscopy procedure you’re having.

Where to go

Your procedure will take place at one of these locations:

  • David H. Koch Center
    530 East 74th Street
    New York, NY 10021
    Take the elevator to the 8th floor.
  • Endoscopy Suite at Memorial Hospital (MSK’s main hospital)
    1275 York Avenue (between East 67th and East 68th Streets)
    New York, NY 10065
    Take the B elevator to the 2nd floor. Turn right and enter the Endoscopy/Surgical Day Hospital Suite through the glass doors.
  • MSK Monmouth
    480 Red Hill Road
    Middletown, NJ 07748

Visit www.msk.org/parking for information about parking at these locations.

If you have any questions about your EUS, speak with your doctor or nurse.

Last Updated

Monday, August 29, 2022