This information describes the 3-week regimen for your recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) regimen. A regimen is a course of treatment.
Treatment with radioactive iodine helps lower the risk that your thyroid cancer will come back. It’s also used to treat thyroid cancer that has spread.
Your nurse will give you more information about how to get ready for your treatment, and what to expect during and after your treatment.
Follow a Low-Iodine Diet
You will need to follow a low-iodine diet before your regimen. Your nurse will give you a resource called Low-Iodine Diet that has more instructions on how to do this.
Start following the low-iodine diet ___ days before the first day (day 1) of your regimen.
Drink at least 8 (8-ounce) glasses of caffeine-free liquids every day. The liquids should include water and other drinks listed in the low-iodine diet guidelines.
Regimen Schedule
During the first week of your regimen, you will come to the hospital Monday through Saturday. You will have blood tests, scans, and injections (shots) of recombinant human TSH.
During the second week of your regimen, you will receive your treatment.
During the third week of your regimen, you will have a post-treatment scan. A staff member in the Molecular Imaging and Therapy Service (MITS) will set this up for you. MITS is sometimes called the Nuclear Medicine service.
The following is a typical regimen schedule:
Week 1
(Monday through Saturday)
Day 1
(2 to 3 hours)
•Blood tests
•Recombinant human TSH injection
Day 2
(30 to 60 minutes)
•Recombinant human TSH injection
Day 3
(4 to 6 hours)
•Blood tests
•Diagnostic dose of radioactive iodine
•Radiation measure
Day 4
(90 minutes)
•Blood tests
•Radiation measure
Day 5
(90 minutes)
•Blood tests
•Radiation measure
Day 6
(90 minutes)
•Blood tests
•Radiation measure
Week 2
(May start
or Thursday)
Day 1
(30 minutes)
•Recombinant human TSH injection
Day 2
(30 minutes)
•Recombinant human TSH injection
Day 3
•Treatment dose of radioactive iodine
Week 3
(This will be scheduled for
you after your radioactive
iodine treatment.)
Post-treatment scan