Title Browse by Last Name: - Any -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by Last Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 16 Research Biographies found Administrative Resources Richard Koppenaal, BA Senior Project Coordinator Biostatistics Caroline Kostrzewa, MS Research Biostatistician Current Research Interest Caroline’s current research collaborations focus on supporting projects related to the InterMEL Program – an internation... The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Christoph Kreitzer Graduate Research Assistant Epidemiology Jessica Kretli Zanetti Senior Research Technician The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Ayush Kris WGS Student The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Ritika Kundra, MS Bioinformatics Software Engineer Book traversal links for Epidemiology & Biostatistics Previous Epidemiology & Biostatistics Next Epidemiology