Epidemiology: Projects

Epidemiology: Projects

Cancer Intervention & Surveillance Network (CISNET)
The goal of this study is to develop microsimulation population based models for the natural history of colorectal cancer; to determine the optimal best case strategies to reduce the CRC mortality rates in the population; and to use these models to inform health policy.
Genes, Environment & Melanoma (GEM)
The GEM study is a population-based case-control study of multiple melanoma conducted in various geographic regions of North America, Europe and Australia.
Genetic Epidemiology of Glioma International Consortium (GLIOGENE)
Researchers hope that identifying a genetic link that will provide information about glioma that may lead to improved treatment, as well as ways to prevent this disease.
National Colonoscopy Study (NCS)
The National Colonoscopy Study is a multi-center, randomized controlled trial funded by NCI.
Pancreatic Tumor Registry
This study is trying to identify environmental and genetic factors that affect risk in families and individuals with pancreatic cancer. We hope that by learning what causes this disease, we will be able to prevent it or diagnose it earlier.
Women's Environmental Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Study (WECARE)
This study examines the interaction of radiation exposure and genetic susceptibility in the etiology of second primary breast cancer.