Title Browse by Last Name: - Any -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by Last Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 30 Research Biographies found Health Outcomes Akriti Mishra Research Biostatistician Health Outcomes Aaron Mitchell, MD, MPH Assistant Attending Dr. Mitchell is an oncologist and health services researcher. He completed his clinical training at Duke University Hospital (Residency, internal medic... The Elli Papaemmanouil Lab Matahi Moarii Research Fellow Matahi Moarii is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics under... Administrative Resources Tara Mohan Program Assistant The Jian Carrot-Zhang Lab Hussein Mohsen, PhD Research Fellow Co-mentored with Dr. Quaid Morris.... Health Outcomes Mikael Moise Data Analyst The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Enrico Moiso Senior Computational Biologist I The Jian Carrot-Zhang Lab Leah Morales NE WGS Student Biostatistics Chaya Moskowitz, PhD Attending Biostatistician Current Research InterestsDr. Moskowitz’s research focuses on studying the late effects of cancer therapy in childhood, adolescent, and young adult can... The Sohrab Shah Lab Matthew Myers, PhD Senior Computational Biologist I Book traversal links for Epidemiology & Biostatistics Previous Epidemiology & Biostatistics Next Epidemiology