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27 Research Biographies found
The Ronglai Shen Lab
Xiyu Peng, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Xiyu Peng
Research Fellow
The Jian Carrot-Zhang Lab
Tomin Perea-Chamblee
Bioinformatics Software Engineer
Health Outcomes
Sonia Persaud
Data Assistant
The Nikolaus Schultz Lab
Sarah Phillips
Senior Scientific Editor, OncoKB
The Nikolaus Schultz Lab
Karl Pichotta
Senior Computational Biologist Il
The Wesley Tansey Lab
Karl Pichotta
MSK MIND Scholar
Malcolm Pike, PhD
Attending Epidemiologist
Current Research Interests Dr. Pike’s research interests are in the etiology and chemoprevention of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers. He is t...
The Elli Papaemmanouil Lab
Genesis Pineda
Project Coordinator
The Elli Papaemmanouil Lab
Genesis Pineda
Project Coordinator