Neurocognitive Research Lab

Neurocognitive Research Lab


Tim Ahles, PhD, Director

Most of the research in any area of neurocognitive side effects of cancer treatments is based on relatively small studies that have methodological limitations. Basic questions and issues remain unanswered and unaddressed, including:

  1. The prevalence of long-term cognitive problems following any given treatment.
  2. Which chemotherapy agents, doses of cranial radiation, etc. are most likely to cause neurocognitive changes?
  3. What cognitive domains are most likely to be affected by which treatments?
  4. What are the most appropriate neuropsychological tests for studying neurocognitive side effects of cancer treatments?

Additionally, the bulk of the research has been conducted on highly educated, affluent, Caucasian samples (primarily women); therefore, little is known about neurocognitive side effects of cancer treatments across various racial and socioeconomic groups. Therefore, there is a critical need for large scale, longitudinal studies of treatment-induced cognitive changes that include appropriate neuropsychological test batteries and comparison groups, and utilize appropriate statistical methods.

Memorial Sloan Kettering provides a unique environment for conducting these types of studies across various treatment types and cancer diagnoses. Excellent research in the areas of assessment and treatment of cognitive dysfunction in patients with brain tumors and CNS lymphoma (Denise Correa, PhD) and the evaluation of the cognitive impact of chemotherapy on elderly breast cancer patients is ongoing at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The Neurocognitive Research Laboratory, with Dr. Tim Ahles as Director, will support ongoing research in this area and expand the research into other areas as well.

Faculty Members
Tim A. Ahles, PhD
Tim A. Ahles

Attending Clinical Psychologist

Memorial Sloan Kettering neuropsychologist James Root
James C. Root

Attending Neuropsychologist; Co-Director, Neuropsychological Assessment Service

MSK neuropsychologist Elizabeth Ryan
Elizabeth L. Ryan

Associate Attending Neuropsychologist; Co-Director, Neuropsychological Assessment Service

Affiliated Faculty
MSK psychologist Christian Nelson
Christian J. Nelson

Chief, Psychiatry Service; Attending Psychologist; Co-Director, Psycho-Oncology of Cancer and Aging Program

Active Research Studies

Visit PubMed for a full listing of Dr. Ahles’s journal articles. Pubmed is an online index of research papers and other articles from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.

See all on PubMed