Glenn Heller, PhD

Attending Biostatistician

Glenn Heller, PhD

Attending Biostatistician
Glenn Heller, PhD


New York University

Current Research Interests

Dr. Heller’s current research interests include the design and analysis of phase 2 clinical trials, the analysis of survival data, and the investigation of predictive accuracy measures. For the analysis of phase 2 studies, he has developed a test statistic that adjusts for patient risk when the patient population is heterogeneous. This approach is applicable in basket trials, where multiple patient populations are treated under a single protocol. In survival analysis, he has developed discrimination and explained variation predictive accuracy measures.  These metrics, applied to risk models with survival data, are used as a tool in clinical decisions.  In addition, he has developed methods to evaluate the improvement in risk classification measures due to the inclusion of new biomarkers. Dr. Heller is involved in the design and analysis of laboratory and clinical studies emanating from the Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Surgery.

Research papers



Selected peer-reviewed publications:

  1. Heller G, Devlin SM. Measuring the impact of new risk factors within survival models. J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat. 2024 74: 83-99.
  2. Heller G, A modified net reclassification improvement statistic. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2023. 227: 18-33.
  3. Devlin SM, Heller G. Concordance probability as a meaningful contrast across disparate survival times. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2021. 30: 816-825.
  4. Heller G. The added value of new covariates to the Brier score in Cox survival models. Lifetime Data Analysis. 2021. 27: 1-14.
  5. Devlin SM, Gönen M, Heller G. Measuring the temporal prognostic utility of a baseline risk score. Lifetime Data Analysis. 2020. 26: 856-871.

Visit PubMed for a full listing of Glenn Heller’s journal articles

Pubmed is an online index of biomedical articles maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.


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