Luc Morris: Publications

Luc Morris: Publications


Valero C, Lee M, Hoen D, Wang J, Nadeem Z, Patel N, Postow MA, Shoushtari AN, Plitas G, Balachandran VP, Smith JJ, Crago AM, Long Roche KC, Kelly DW, Samstein RM, Rana S, Ganly I, Wong RJ, Hakimi AA, Berger MF, Zehir A, Solit DB, Ladanyi M, Riaz N, Chan TA, Seshan VE, Morris LG. The association between tumor mutational burden and prognosis is dependent on treatment context. Nature Genetics 2021; 53:11-15.

Samstein RM, Lee CH, Shoushtari AN, Hellmann MD, Shen R, Janjigian YY, Barron DA, Zehir A, Jordan EJ, Omuro A, Kaley TJ, Kendall SM, Motzer RJ, Hakimi AA, Voss MH, Russo P, Rosenberg J, Iyer G, Bocher BH, Bajorin DF, Al-Ahmadie HA, Chaft JE, Rudin CM, Riely GJ, Baxi S, Ho AL, Wong RJ, Pfister DG, Wolchok JD, Barker CA, Gutin PH, Brennan CW, Tabar V, Mellinghoff IK, DeAngelis LM, Ariyan CE, Lee N, Tap WD, Gounder MM, D’Angelo SP, Saltz L, Stadler ZK, Scher HI, Baselga J, Razavi P, Klebanoff CA, Yaeger R, Segal NH, Ku GY, DeMatteo RP, Ladanyi M, Rizvi NA, Berger MF, Riaz N, Solit DB, Chan TA, Morris LG. Tumor mutational load predicts survival after immunotherapy across multiple cancer types. Nature Genetics 2019;51:202-206.

Yang W, Lee KW, Srivastava RM, Kuo F, Krishna C, Chowell D, Makarov V, Hoen D, Dalin MG, Wexler L, Ghossein R, Katabi N, Nadeem Z, Cohen MA, Tian SK, Robine N, Arora K, Geiger H, Agius P, Bouvier N, Huberman K, Vanness K, Havel JJ, Sims J, Samstein RM, Mandal R, Tepe J, Ganly I, Ho AL, Riaz N, Wong RJ, Shukla N, Chan TA, Morris LG. Immunogenic neoantigens derived from gene fusions stimulate T cell responses. Nature Medicine 2019;25:767-775. PMID: 31011208

Dalin MG, Katabi N, Persson M, Lee KW, Makarov V, Desrichard A, Walsh LA, West L, Nadeem Z, Ramaswami D, Havel JJ, Kuo F, Chadalavada K, Nanjangud G, Riaz N, Ho AL, Antonescu CR, Ghossein R, Stenman G, Chan TA, Morris LGT. Multi-dimensional genomic analysis of myoepithelial carcinoma identifies prevalent oncogenic gene fusions. Nature Communications 2017;8(1):1197. PMCID: PMC5662567

Valero C, Lee M, Hoen D, Weiss K, Kelly DW, Adusumilli PS, Paik PK, Plitas G, Ladanyi M, Postow MA, Ariyan CE, Shoushtari AN, Balachandran VP, Hakimi AA, Crago AM, Long Roche KC, Smith JJ, Ganly I, Wong RJ, Patel SG, Shah JP, Lee NY, Riaz N, Wang J, Zehir A, Berger MF, Chan TA, Seshan VE, Morris LG. Pretreatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and mutational burden as biomarkers of tumor response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Nature Communications 2021 [ePub]

Valero C, Lee M, Hoen D, Zehir A, Berger MF, Seshan V, Chan TA, Morris LG. Response rates to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in microsatellite-stable solid tumors with 10 or more mutations per megabase. JAMA Oncology [ePub]

Hsiehchen D, Hsieh A, Samstein RM, Lu T, Beg MS, Gerber DE, Wang T, Morris LG, Zhu H. DNA repair gene mutations as predictors of immune checkpoint inhibitor response beyond tumor mutational burden. Cell Reports Medicine 2020 Jun 23;1(3):100034.

Linxweiler M, Kuo F, Katabi N, Lee M, Nadeem Z, Dalin M, Makarov V, Chowell D, Dogan S, Ganly I, Hakimi AA, Wong RJ, Riaz N, Ho AL, Chan TA, Morris LG. The immune microenvironment and neoantigen landscape of aggressive salivary gland carcinomas differ by subtype. Clinical Cancer Research 2020 [ePub]

Powers AE, Marcadis AR, Lee M, Morris LG*, Marti JL*. Changes in trends in thyroid cancer incidence in the United States, 1992-2016. JAMA 2019;24;322:2440-41.

Marcadis AR, Marti JL, Ehdaie B, Hakimi AA, Davies L, Morris LG. Characterizing relative and disease-specific survival in early-stage cancers. JAMA Internal Medicine 2019 [ePub]

Ho AS, Ochoa A, Jayakumaran G, Zehir A, Valero Mayor C, Tepe J, Makarov V, Dalin MG, He J, Bailey M, Montesion M, Ross JS, Miller VA, Chan L, Ganly I, Dogan S, Katabi N, Tsipouras P, Ha P, Agrawal N, Solit DB, Futreal PA, El Naggar AK, Reis-Filho JS, Weigelt B, Ho AL, Schultz N, Chan TA, Morris LG. Genetic hallmarks of recurrent/metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2019;129:4276-89.

Wang J, Linxweiler M, Yang W, Chan TA, Morris LG. Immunomodulatory and immunotherapeutic implications of tobacco smoking in squamous cell carcinomas and normal airway epithelium. Oncotarget 2019; 10:3835-3839.

Desrichard A, Kuo F, Chowell D, Lee KW, Riaz N, Wong RJ, Chan TA, Morris LG. Tobacco smoking-associated alterations in the immune microenvironment of squamous cell carcinomas. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2018 [ePub]

Chowell DMorris LGTGrigg CMWeber JKSamstein RMMakarov VKuo FKendall SMRequena DRiaz NGreenbaum BCarroll JGaron EHyman DMZehir ASolit DBerger MZhou RRizvi NAChan TA. Patient HLA class I genotype influences cancer response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy. Science 2017 [ePub]

Tuttle RM, Fagin JA, Minkowitz G, Wong RJ, Roman BR, Patel SG, Untch BR, Ganly I, Shaha AR, Shah JP, Pace M, Li D, Bach A, Lin O, Whiting A, Ghossein R, Landa I, Sabra M, Boucai L, Fish S, Morris LG. The natural history and tumor volume kinetics of papillary thyroid cancers during active surveillance. JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2017 [ePub]

Mandal R, Senbabaoglu Y, Desrichard A, Havel JJ, Dalin MG, Riaz N, Lee KW, Ganly I, Hakimi AA, Chan TA, Morris LG. The head and neck cancer immune landscape and its immunotherapeutic implications. JCI Insight 2016;1:89829.

Morris LG, Chandramohan R, West L, Zehir A, Chakravarty D, Pfister DG, Wong RJ, Lee NY, Sherman EJ, Baxi SS, Ganly I, Singh B, Shah JP, Shaha AR, Boyle JO, Patel SG, Roman BR, Barker CA, McBride SM, Chan TA, Dogan S, Hyman DM, Berger MF, Solit DB, Riaz N, Ho AL. The molecular landscape of recurrent and metastatic head and neck cancers: insights from a precision oncology sequencing platform. JAMA Oncology 2017;3:244-255.

Dalin M, Desrichard AD, Katabi N, Makarov V, Walsh LA, Lee KW, Wang Q, Armenia J, West L, Dogan S, Wang L, Ramaswami D, Ho AL, Ganly I, Solit DB, Berger MF, Schultz ND, Reis-Filho JS, Chan TA, Morris LG. Comprehensive molecular characterization of salivary duct carcinoma reveals actionable targets and similarity to apocrine breast cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2016;22:4623-33

Morris LG, Chan TA. Therapeutic targeting of tumor suppressor genes. Cancer 2015;121:1357-68.

Morris LG, Riaz N, Desrichard A, Senbaboglu Y, Hakimi A, Makarov V, Reis-Filho JS, Chan TA. Pan-cancer analysis of intratumor heterogeneity as a prognostic determinant of survival. Oncotarget 2016;7:10051-63.

Ho AS, Davies L, Nixon IJ, Palmer FL, Wang LY, Patel SG, Ganly I, Wong RJ, Tuttle RM, Morris LG. Increasing diagnosis of subclinical thyroid cancers leads to spurious improvements in survival rates. Cancer 2015;121:1793-9.

Gong Y, Zack TI, Morris LG, Lin K, Hukkelhoven E, Raheja R, Veeriah S, Meng S, Viale A, Schumacher SE, Beroukhim R, Chan TA. Pan-cancer genetic analysis identifies PARK2 as a master regulator of G1/S cyclins. Nature Genetics 2014;46:588-94.

Morris LG, Kaufman AM, Gong Y, Ramaswami D, Walsh LA, Turcan S, Eng S, Kannan K, Zou Y, Peng L, Banuchi VE, Paty P, Zeng Z, Vakiani E, Solit D, Singh B, Ganly I, Liau L, Cloughesy TC, Mischel PS, Mellinghoff IK, Chan TA. Recurrent somatic mutation of FAT1 in multiple human cancers leads to aberrant Wnt activation. Nature Genetics 2013;45:253-61.

Morris LG, Sikora AG, Tosteson TD, Davies L. The increasing incidence of thyroid cancer: the influence of access to care. Thyroid 2013;23:885-91.

Morris LG, Taylor BS, Bivona T, Banuchi VE, Brennan C, Kastenhuber ER, Yannuzzi N, Eng S, Singh B, Sander C, Heguy A, Viale A, Mellinghoff I, Huse J, Ganly I, Chan TA. Genomic dissection of the EGFR/PI3K pathway reveals frequent deletion of the EGFR phosphatase PTPRS in head and neck cancers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 2011;108:19024-9.

Morris LG, Sikora AG, Patel SG, Hayes RB, Ganly I. Anatomic sites at elevated risk of second primary cancer after an index head and neck cancer. Cancer Causes and Control 2011;22:671-9.

Morris LG, Sikora AG, Patel SG, Hayes RB, Ganly I. Second primary cancers after an index head and neck cancer: subsite-specific trends in the era of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011;29:739-746.

Morris LG, Veeriah S, Chan TA. Genetic determinants at the interface of cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Oncogene 2010;29:3453-64.