Paul Romesser: Publications

The Paul Romesser Lab

Paul Romesser: Publications


View a full listing of Paul Romesser: Publications’ journal articles.

Romesser PB and Lowe SW. The Potent and Paradoxical Biology of Cellular Senescence in Cancer. Annual Review of Cancer Biology. 2023. Vol. 7: 207-228. Available from: doi: 10.1146/annurev-cancerbio-061421-124434.

Kim JK, Wu C, Del Latto M, Gao Y, Choi S, Kierstead M, Sauvé CG, Firat C, Chaves Perez A, Sillanpaa J, Chen C, Lawrence KE, Paty PB, Barriga FM, Wilkinson JE, Shia J, Sawyers CL, Lowe SW, García-Aguilar J, Romesser PB, and Smith JJ. An Immunocompetent Rectal Cancer Model to Study Radiation Therapy. Cell Reports Methods. 2022. Vol. 2 (12): 100353. Available from: doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2022.100353.

Falcone M, Uribe AH, Papalazarou V, Newman AC, Athineos D, Stevenson K, Sauvé CG, Gao Y, Kim JK, Del Latto M, Kierstead M, Wu C, Smith JJ, Romesser PB, Chalmers AJ, Blyth K, and Maddocks ODK. British Journal of Cancer. 2022. Vol. 127: 1773-1786. Available from: doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01965-6.

Romesser PB, Kim AS, Jeong J, Mayle A, Dow LE, and Lowe SW. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019. Vol. 116 (41): 20672-20678. Avaialble from: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1906611116.

Romesser PB, Cahlon O, Scher E, Zhou Y, Berry SL, Rybkin A, Sine KM, Tang S, Sherman EJ, Wong R, Lee NY. Proton beam radiation therapy results in significantly reduced toxicity compared with intensity-modulated radiation therapy for head and neck tumors that require ipsilateral radiation. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2016; 118(2):286-292.

Romesser PB, Cahlon O, Scher ED, Hug EB, Sine K, DeSelm C, Fox, JL, Mah D, Garg, MK, Chang J, Lee NY. Proton beam re-irradiation for recurrent head and neck cancer: multi-institutional report on feasibility and early outcomes. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology, and Physics. 2016; 95(1):386-395.

Romesser PB, Romanyshyn JC, Schupak KD, Setton J, Riaz N, Wolden SL, Gelblum DY, Sherman EJ, Kraus D, Lee NY. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy. Cancer. 2012; 118(24):6072-6078.

Romesser PB, Sherman EJ, Shaha AR, Lian M, Wong RJ, Sabra M, Rao SS, Fagin JA, Tuttle RM, Lee NY. External beam radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy in advanced or recurrent non-anaplastic non-medullary thyroid cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2014; 110(4):375-382.

Romesser PB, Lim R, Spratt DE, Setton J, Riaz N, Lok B, Sherman EJ, Schoder H, Lee NY. The relative prognostic utility of standardized uptake value, gross tumor volume, and metabolic tumor volume in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated with platinum based concurrent chemoradiation with a pretreatment 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scan. Oral Oncology. 2014; 50(9):802-808.

Romesser PB and Crane CH. Chemo-re-irradiation and salvage surgery for locally recurrent rectal cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2022; 36(3):553-567.