

Proposals cannot be currently funded by an extramural agency or foundation. The budget is limited to $50,000 per year, direct costs. Indirect costs are not allowed. Applications must be in 11-point Arial. Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all sides of each page. Proposals must be submitted as a single PDF document. The following should be included.

Cover Page including applicant’s name, staff rank, and amount requested

  1. A 1-page career statement stating applicant’s overall career goal and specific career objectives over the next 1 to 5 years.
  2. Research Plan (3-page limit) including the following: Title, Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Innovation, and Approach (including Rigor and Reproducibility). Tables and figures are included within the 3-page limit; references do not fall within the limit.
  3. Biosketches for all key personnel (NIH-specified format)
  4. Estimated Budget. Detailed budget and budget justification will be requested after initial review.
  5. Letter of support from primary mentor

Proposals must be submitted electronically to SPORE administrator Tiara Williamson ( by March 3rd, 2025.

Click here to download application